Chapter - 5

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Bella's POV

It was a blink of eyes, Tomorrow the house looks normal but today it's decorating like bride. Why not today is the engagement of Arnav Khanna and mine. I was still locked in room only come down for breakfast when i noticed the changes.

Mahir made all fool and planned wisely that no one is believing me. I tried to demand my phone but papa wasn't allowing it. I know Yuvi must called me many times but I'm feeling so much helpless.

I hate you for this Mahir Sehgal.

Then I realized Papa won't understand, he's not ready to listen the name 'Yuvi' society, there's thinking went bigger than my happiness? Why Papa is so adamant? And mumma is supporting him. The worst part was they're praising about Mahir being good person, kind blah blah. Didn't they heard news of his Playboy? Well there he also manage pulling a fake story that all news are fake.

Liar, manipulate bustard he is.

Then the last remain Bhai, maybe he stop showing but I still remember how he loves me so much and ready to do anything but then suddenly 3 years ago everything changed and all becomes so formally and Strict. Mumma explain about my being grow up and some other stuff.

But there still be some softness. Isn't it?? How could they marry me off? I'm just 19 for God sake!!

"Bhai?" I asked when all left.

"Yeah" I suddenly felt nervous, why all change suddenly and behaving me some glass doll whom they cared much and placed some showcase never turning again if she's alone or not.

"I wanted to talk. Please Bhai you can stop Papa. I don't wanna marry Mahir. I love Yuvi and he also. I'm very sure there must be some misunderstanding. Please talk them out but don't do it with me. Please" i literally beg, maybe he saw my honesty.

"Listen Bella we're your family and knows better. Mahir was good for you and you need to stay away from that boy. The fast you accept will be better from you"

"Nooo. Why no one are understanding me?? (I noticed mom & dad are also coming) Is you all hate me so much that wanted to marry me off to anyone? Why you all are not believing me" I shouted but stop receiving a slap from Mom.

"You can't talk all like that. You should be happy after knowing everything Mahir accept you. You don't know anything so better stay quiet, we know your betterment. Go to your room Bella" i stare at her unbelievable, mumma was never rude to me and the slap?

Everything is because of Mahir.

I left upstairs locking my door crying hard. Why it's happening to me?

I didn't come downstairs after that nor reply anyone. The continues knocking of my clothes comes made me open the door. I took my clothes from mumma emotionlessly and before she could say I lock the door.

I myself get ready not extra something but simple. While I was just thinking about Yuvi. I wanted to talk to him once but how?

Soon enough all guests started coming. As a perfect soon to be daughter in law I took everyone's blessings but ignore Mahir and my family fully.

But my eyes travel everywhere and fall on our landline. Maybe somewhere I wrote Yuvi's number. This phone made all dumb and couldn't remember any numbers. When all are busy in talking I left upstairs and find the book where once maybe I write his number. I smile finding it.

Now only to get a chance and call.

All made us sit and told to start engagement.

I can feel his eyes on me all time and then when he hold my hand to put ring, it's like a current passed on my body. I look towards him for a second, he's smiling at me when made me wear the ring.

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