Chapter - 22

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Mahir's POV

I slap hard the useless guard who inform me Yuvi run away. How much careless they are and don't know who's those men comes to rescue Yuvi.

"Find him somehow otherwise I'll not leave any of you" i yelled and left for office.

I'm trying to find Rakesh Mehera who's planning something big for sure but I doubt is it only Yuvi helping him or there's someone i couldn't understand. But the way all are going I'm sure he's trying to trap me. I need to monitor everyone so I could know if he's trying to harm anyone.

The car stop and there comes my office. I get a text from my assistant that Ranveer uncle wanna meet me. I knew what could it can be!

"Mahir beta I'm glad after whatever you heard you wanna marry my Bella-"

"Uncle i know her long. She's my sister's friend so there's no doubt and about her love Yuvi, he's not good-"

"Yeah but Bella didn't understand anything. Before this marriage I want to talk something important"

"Yes uncle"

"Beta there's some properties on Bella's name which my dad gave long back and it she'll get only after her 21th birthday if she's married. But it will go to her husband's name but I want it on my daughter name if you understand-"

"Of course uncle. It's her things and should be on her name only"

"Yeah but the way Bella is behaving I don't know so I want you name it on me. I wanna invest all her kids name"

That time I agreed with her father but I'm seriously doubting there's something hiding. Two days ago I asked uncle Bella already accepted me and our relationship so why not name on her only but he denied with the moment saying he Knows what can be better for his daughter future. 

"Mahir beta, good afternoon. How's everything going? You come late today" He asked when I come cabin.

"Everything is going perfect just some personal work. You're here?"

"Yeah our partnership project, but there we talked 50-50 then why suddenly the profit you wanna get 45-55?" God I don't understand why her father always in business profit? I mean after marriage I never saw any of them Calling Bella, Missing her...nothing. just because Arnav is good I did marry Khusi there otherwise if he would be like his father I would never did there's marriage. My Bella is so different from anyone there.

"Well as the project investment I did 5% extra that's why I changed the profit share. Dad is looking on it so I couldn't do anything and I guess it's fare only"

"How could? You promised before 50-50 share then how Suddenly you could change all this?"

"I talked Arnav-"

"He doesn't know anything" he said angrily. I take deep breaths to calm myself...there our employees did more work,we invest more and this man wanted same money minded!

"If you carefully notice those points there also mentioned for get same profit you need to invest same" I gave file and he didn't say more after reading just silently sitting there.

"Okay and yeah I makes ready the files you need to sign after Bella's birthday, her property remember?" I nods.

"Just send me I'll sign it" he left.

I take a deep breath, god this man is irritating.

Bella's POV

"Where is Mahir's cabin?" I asked the assistant, he pointed towards then I left. Today I come to give him lunch as a surprise. He's gonna very happy after seeing me.

"How could? You promised before 50-50 share then how Suddenly you could change all this?" I stop listening my so called father's voice. He seemed angry but trying to calm himself.

The matter I heard I understand there's some partnership he deal with Mahir for getting 50-50 profit now getting only 45%...good for him. How dare he making a deal with Mahir, yeah I remember before marriage he's saying some great profit. Must be it only... making marriage only for money. I just hate him.

"Just send me I'll sign it"

What the hell he mean sign it. He didn't even asked me about my property.

Oh so that's the reason Ranveer to marry me off with Mahir as he's ready to sigh and if anyone of his place never would let go of that money.

How dare he decided something mine without my permission??

What he thinks? Is he knows what property?

I knock hearing his some rude 'come in'.

I stay silent and he looks up surprise seeing me.

"Bella you here?"

"Yes come for lunch" I sit on chair place tiffin  on table.

"What happened? Why are you looking pale?" He get up and sit besides my chair holding my hand.

"Um nothing" I don't know should I say or not. But maybe I could say after finding what's in that secrete room.

In a Apartment,

Inside Abhijit is fucking a girl enjoying his night when his phone rings making him irritated. He silent his phone, then continue till he get his satisfaction. He give the money and girl left.

He frown seeing 5 missed calls.

"Hello Dad" he said taking call.

"Okay I'll come there" he said hearing whatever the opposite person said. He left his apartment come in a old godown where Mr. Rakesh Mehera talking to another person who's non other then Yuvi. His condition isn't good.... behind Abhijit a doctor also come and started to treat Yuvi's wound.

Another side,

Kuhu is pouting as she's calling Abhijit but didn't get any response other then out of coverage area.

"What the hell! Why this phone isn't connecting. Huh! (She blushed) god Kuhu what's wrong happen to you? I couldn't get sleep without talking him. God I need to say my parents everything tomorrow before I gone mad. Yes after tomorrow Vikram's engagement when everyone will be here I'll say everything to all. (Praying) god please hope so all get ready. I can't leave without Abhijit. I love him so much.


Precap - who's Abhijit actually ! Bella's planning.

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