Chapter - 28

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Mahir's POV

Next day I thought to contact Kuhu, whatever she did but still she's a family and it's our responsibility to understand but she didn't pick calls and now I'm standing in front of Abhijit's apartment which is locked. The area people said he left yesterday only with Kuhu evening, it means before marriage. But then where they went from Sehgal mansion?

One side Arun run away and now Kuhu...I couldn't understand what to do.

What I'll answer mom coming back if she asked about Kuhu? What will I answer Bella about her mother?

I contact my men's already to search about Kuhu, till I get any proper information I couldn't tell anyone about it.

"Mahir-" i stop hearing mom.

"Did you talk Kuhu?" I just shook my head...."she's not at home" mom nods and left her room. From last day she's so stressed about her this step.

I come to my room and sit on sofa closing my eyes...I feel two hands messaging slowly.

"Bella I'm okay" I hold her hand and make her sit in front of me.

"Mahir did you get any information?" It's hard to see her hopeful eyes, I just nods no.

"Don't worry everything will be fine. I promise right" she nods and hug me.

"I tried to call Kuhu but her phone switched off. Did you talk to her?" I nods no, she left saying will come back with our dinner.

She's asking if all is okay many times, I tried pretend but I know she understands.

"Mahir won't you sleep now?"

"No I had some work. Will come soon"

I was in study contacting my mens if any news could found but I couldn't get anything. Abhijit left home, job...then where he gone! I check his details files but there's nothing suspicious. I should have talked to Kuhu, why she married like this?is she's any kind of problem! It's all my mistake. All years I keep Arun but a single mistake...and now he's always free. Did somehow Abhijit and Arun are connected?

The moment my phone ring I pick it.

"Did you get any news?"

"Sir, the Orphanage Abhijit brought up...his Wife comes to distribute some gift here and he's not The Abhijit staying there."

"What the hell you're speaking? I told you before to check all right?"

"Yes but they didn't had any pictures-"

"Shut up and find him anyhow. My sister is with him an-" before I continue Bella banged into my room.

"Mahir Arnav Bhai called and saying something about Ranveer and my real mom... before he could continue the call get cut and he's not picking his cell"

"Let's go to your home" she nods and we both drove towards Khanna mansion where I find a tensed Khusi sitting.

"Bhai Bella you both?"

"Where is Arnav Bhai?" Bella asked before me.

"I don't know, he come home then suddenly he left without saying anything and now he's not picking up calls and mom-dad(Ranveer,Ishani) wasn't here also. Did anything wrong?" Bella hold my hand.

"Mahir something is wrong. Something I'm missing...Arnav Bhai could be in danger. Please let me take to Arun, I'll somehow asked him"

"He run away last day" I finally said, she needs to know. Bella looks at me shock.

"What you both talking about? Arnav is okay right? Who's Arun?"

"Khusi I'll say everything later...if Arnav contact you just inform us and if Mr. & Mrs. Khanna comes let us know. Please take care" I hold Bella's hand and we both come out.

"Now I couldn't save my mom Mahir. Arun is the last hope"

"Bella we had time please don't cry, I'll do something" she nods and sobbed, wiping her tears I take her back home.

It means, Abhijit somehow surely connected to Arun and's all there plan, I could never think about Kuhu, that's why they target her. Where could be my little sister.

I come back home soon mom hug me tight crying loud.

"What happened?"

All are standing there with broken State. Dad give me a paper, it's some properties paper where Bella's signature needed and a attached photo of Kuhu lying ground..her hand, leg, mouth are tied. My blood boil seeing her condition. I won't leave them.

"See what happened to my daughter."

"Mom please don't cry" I turn her picture where written...

Ask Bella to sign this paper, we'll inform where to send it. Don't try to be smart otherwise forgot about Kuhu.

Bella looks at me with teary eyes,..her eyes are blaming herself...I nods no! It's definitely not her fault.

"Bhai I asked some private detective to search...I hope we get any news"

"We should search her also." I nods at papa.

"Vikram and I'm going"...I turn towards Bella...."don't worry I'll solve everything just don't do anything" me and Vikram left.

Another side,

Kuhu is trying to sit but feeling so dizziness around her. She closed her eyes tight then remember...

After left Sehgal Mansion, Abhijit booked a cab and both are going..she's crying so much so Abhijit offer a water bottle. Soon enough she fall unconscious and last she saw Abhijit's smirking face.

Then after hours she wake up and found herself tied like this in this dark room. She tried to open her ropes but stop when a door open. Due to sudden light Kuhu closed her eyes and when she open find Abhijit there standing with a smirk.

"Why?" Only this word comes out.

Abhijit laugh..."you're really fool to come in my trap but whatever you're hot and irritating too. So many calls and disturbance gosh! Well I'm no Abhijit baby... it's Shoarya Mehera. You're just a pawn in my revenge towards your brothers Mahir. He think himself smart but I'm double then him"

"How could you played with me. I did love you and our baby-" she cried couldn't able to digest but Shoarya laugh seeing her crying.

"It's nothing serious. But one secret, if Mahir ready at our condition still I'm not giving you him....I already make an offer Dubai. You'll get a worst life there" Kuhu couldn't control and with tied leg she kick him yelling 'bustard'. Shoarya slap her hard.

"You bitch just wait, once I get papers... you'll face hell" he take out an injection then injected her. Kuhu tried protest but failed...soon enough she fall unconscious again.

Fresh tears fall from her eyes knowing her love betrayed her. It's all fake. For whom she fight with her family is a evil. A pain suddenly strick in her stomach remembering her about the baby. She cried more and start getting scared what Abhijit aka Shoarya gonna do to her. Suddenly door started open she fearfully she looks there but then get shocked.


Precap - Shorya tried to harm Kuhu.

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