Chapter - 19 (18+)

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Bella's POV

I was waiting outside my college for Mahir to come and pick my classes get finished earlier.

"Bella" i startled hearing Yuvi, he's standing behind me.

That's great my chance to get a link.

"You here?" I asked while feeling uncomfortable the way he's looking at me.

"Love!" I cringe the way he called me with Sudden hold my hand..."please I love you so much. I tried but living without you is like death for me. Let's just go far away from all this." I was shocked listening him...god! Where I stuck!

"But Yuvi it's too late now. I tried but you know my parents want me to be Mahir's wife. I thought if I prove him wrong maybe...but there's nothing-"

"No Bella he's not good. He separate us. Infact he's hiding Many things"

There comes my point.

"What you talking about?"

"Bella there's something in his mansion. As I got the news of your marriage I was devastated and wanted to know you're safe or not but then I get to know something he's hiding. I had a doubt maybe he's behind your accident 3 years back"

Why he's so clinging! Can't he say all this some steps back? What the hell he's talking about accident? I know that Arun tried to misbehave with me but I run and meet accident.

"Bella are you even listening?" I tried to take steps away but he tightly hold my arm.

"Bella please just come back to me."

"Yuvi i-"

With a sudden jolt I'm beside Mahir while he's glaring at Yuvi with cold face. His this side still can sent shivers my spine.

He punched Yuvi hard making him fall on ground then holding my hand he pushed me inside car & drove off fast.

"Mahir" i called him but he's silent which is most scaring thing.

"Mahir he comes and-"

"Shut up" he yelled making me more scared. The 40 minutes way take half of time because of his fast speed. Holding my wrist he took me inside room lightly push on bed. I was sitting on bed nervous seeing him walking in room with tight fist.

I stand and put my hand on his shoulder, within a second he pinned me near wall.

"How dare he touch you? How dare you he eyed something which is mine only. HOW DARE HE?" I was hell shocked and scared hearing his shouting. His eyes are red as if a demon comes inside him.

"Mahir i-"

"YOU'RE.MINE.say" he whispered with a dangerous tone making me shiver little.

"I said you something" he yelled, my eyes got teary.

"I'm yours" I whisper.

"Whom you belong to?"

"You" i accept all maybe he would calm but his next Statement makes me froze.

"Strip" he demand while I froze there.

"Mahir" i whisper but seeing his eyes are full of demand and some insecurities I didn't know what to do!!

I was ice cold froze while my hands are shivering, with a shivering hand I took off my scarf then pulled of the long Kurti, his eyes are fixed on my face with a Stern expression. I took off my leggings.

I'm shivering to do anything farther, standing only in my inner. Within a second he pinned me on wall and capture my lips with a hard kiss. There's so urgency that didn't give me chance to kiss him.

"You're mine only and no one had right to laid hands on you" he whispered breaking the long kiss while again capture my lips. Without breaking he took me on bed hovering me. His lips comes contact my throat, jaw to neck....biting there sucking parts leaving many hickey on me. He tore my bra with a swift moment due to I get goose bumps feeling cold of sudden. He claims my upper body with a possession that all belongs to him.

Closing my eyes I was lost to feel the pleasure and pain with his every bit, lick I get. I couldn't get when he removed his shirt but feeling his bare skin touching mine I realized he already left his shirt.

My hands went on his shoulder to hair gripping it tightly the moment he placed sensual kisses on there. Coming more down he placed kisses on my upper thighs down to leg to my toes. He again slowly comes up and remove the last piece of clothes making me all bare to him.

He put his tongue inside me while hold my hand tight. I was shaking with the feeling and budge my head continuously. Without leaving his mouth, he placed two fingers inside all of sudden making me moan loud getting the first orgasm. With continue thrust by his fingers he makes my toes curl. Before I could get my second climax he left making me whinnied but only for some seconds as he removing his clothes thrust inside me with fast, hard strokes.

Holding my both hand with his, placing kisses on my face to neck while thrusting hard. My insides feels catch fire while I'm getting a mixture of pain and pleasure. I shout the Moment I get climax and feel him realised himself inside me.

I was breathing heavily while he's still placing wet kisses on everywhere...but I can feel him still hard inside me.

With a swift moment he turn me back while placing kisses my back caressing everywhere.

"You're all mine Jaan" he whispered biting my ear lobe.

"Mahir" i moaned loud feeling him thrust inside from back. I clutch that pillow feeling him thrusting hard. His hands caressed my body coming on breast he pinch my nipple hard earning more loudest moans.


Soon I get my climaxed and after some more hard thrust he cum inside me. With all I was so much tired feel asleep soon feeling him kissing my back neck where his name are present while his same whisper.

"You're mine forever Jaan"

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Precap - hidden comes out

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