Chapter - 17

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Writer's POV

Bella look at Mahir waiting him to say and finally he started.

"Bella due to Kuhu we meet and get friends...I like you already then I fall for you. I proposed you but you're hesitated to accept. I promised myself to not give up and your school farewell party I left to meet you as my starting branch in USA get settled so thought to meet you before going...but then I saw you going away driving car and follow you. When the accident happen I was there and take you hospital but after you get fine you forget everything. I thought to give you time and left USA but when I come back you're with some Yuvi..(holding her hand) I love you madly all this 3 years and Wait for right moment then how can I let you go. I maybe done wrong way but I do love you truly Bella" Bella look at his eyes held love and smile little.

She nods silently and hug him but thinking something deeply.

Mahir's POV

Lying beside her I was looking at her in relief. I'm glad she believes me and I seriously don't wanna say whatever happened.


I was getting crazy from the moment she rejected me. How could someone rejected me even after seeing my love? I thought she loves me....I read her eyes whenever we're together.

It's all change the moment that Arun comes in her life.

After following her I saw the worst thing that made me crazy enough. Arun proposed her in park where they roam many times...and she accepted. How dare she accepted that good for nothing. Who the hell he is??

I asked my men's to get me information about him....from the moment I started to stay in the mansion only which everything I choose according to her. When we're in best terms I planned in future we'll stay away from all only us so in between talks I asked her opinion about all and did according to it....the room I made full of Bella's pictures was my peace only.

I was waiting for a chance to take Bella as after proposal she cut all connections and block my number also. Finally getting a chance one day I take Bella forcefully to my mansion.

"Mahir leave me. You can't kidnapped me like this" I hold her arm tightly closing the main door, the scene when she accepted his flower and proposal haunt me a full week.

"And what you did? knowing how much I love accept that Arun"

"Mahir stop this love-"

Before she could finished I capture her lips, she struggles but I didn't leave. Why she always think I don't love her.

Leaving her I on the lights of mansion.

"See Bella how much I love you. This all I did for us. Remember I asked and take every suggestions you gave and made our home. How could you say I don't love you??...(I took her upstairs the room and open another doors to enter secret room) see Bella everywhere is you. All our moments I capture for forever still you'll say I don't love you??" I yelled and pulled her close. She's shockingly looking everywhere then at me.

"Mahir you're behaving crazy Obsessive person leave me"

"Call me anything Jaan but you're mine. Only mine and I won't ever leave you remember that"

"Mahir leave me. I love Arun not you" I look at her broken hearing her saying loving someone else. Nothing could be worse than this, then anger clouded me..I don't know what I'm doing.

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