Chapter - 12 (18+)

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#Warning Mature Ahead##

Bella's POV

I feel hot and ticklesh, frown grew more and then sun light. Damm! I open my eyes and looks at Mahir who's nuzzling on my neck. This is first time I'm looking at him so close and near. No one can say he's same arrogant jerk, he's looking like a cute baby. I tried to slowly move his hands but his grip got more tight.

Don't know why but I didn't have heart to disturb his sleep...c'mon Bella he becomes your reason of sleepless nights.

I noticed he started moving so I close my eyes. I feel kiss on my cheeks.

"I know you're awake" he whispered I open my eyes and get up jerk.

How he get to know everytime I'm awake?

"Because I know you more then you know yourself" he replied, did I say aloud?

"Jaan go get fresh. You had college didn't" I nods, left to get ready. Last night I talked to him about joining college. I'm just in my early 3rd year.

After getting ready Mahir drop me college saying he would come to pick me. Kuhu is excited knowing how her brother treating me, how romantic he is... teasing me then her boyfriend Abhijit comes and she left. Sehgal's are quite brood minded so they'll not care only her two brothers who's strict for little sister, Mahir & Vikram.

"Bella in between Kuhu I couldn't asked you. Tell me what happens? When mandap Ishani aunty brought you I knew your plan flop" I sigh sadly at Vish.

"Yes Mahir catch me. Please give me phone, I want to talk Yuvi"

"Is he treats you good?" I nods taking Vish's phone dial Yuvi's number but it says now invalid. What the!

"I hate to admit but he is."Vish chuckled and I frown, she take her phone back.

"Bella now you're married and after all if he's still caring maybe he really loves you. You should gave him a chance and now forget Yuvi let him move on maybe that's why he changed his number as it's invalid, I tried it from marriage day then asked some known people and I got to know he's going from here as he get some job. I thought not to say but you need to know"

"Yuvi is going" I don't know what to say. Maybe we never meant. He maybe now don't want to see me.

"Bella now you're married. You can work it out"

"But Vish he-"

"Just listen your heart. Maybe his way can be wrong but in marriage time I saw admiration in his eyes. Now you both are married so think wise"

"He's crazy. I don't know sometimes I find I different kind of madness in his eyes" I admit.

"You remember when you're in school first time saw Mahir to pick Kuhu, you said he's so handsome and cute. Your first crush... in fact you used to check his photos in Kuhu's phone"

"I know Vish but I was kid and you know my family's traditions & all so I never think of this more than that. There comes Yuvi, he's partner of my library study. He understands me and stay besides when don't know why my family started there strange behaviour. I was alone-"

"Exactly Bella. You don't want to lose Yuvi so when he proposed you, you said yes and he's not bad so you also accept him but now you're married-"

"BELLA" I heard my name being called from little far and there Mahir standing with smile. I bid bye and left with Mahir.

My life seriously was complicated. My family is strict but loves me so why after accident everything is changed? It's frustrating that the 6 months of my life was also missing. Doctor said not to try remember anything...if ever my memory comes then let it comes naturally.

Well I feel happy somehow Mahir stay with me, didn't return office. If anything I fear was darkness and left alone. It's gave me pain so much and I know whatever I said the way Mahir gave me attention I crave it only forever and getting it I'm becoming greedy.

It's night and Mahir was in study room. I was ready for bed. Combing my hair I was lost in thoughts. I startle feeling Mahir hugging me from back. Strangely I started understanding his presence. The mint muscular smell he had it's rare.

I gasp feeling his hands went under my top caressing my bare stomach and give kisses on my neck. He stop for a second looking at me through the mirror..he turn me around. The passion and desire in his eyes scaring me.

"Mahir i-" my words cut through his kiss. He hold my waist pulling me more close, I put hands on his chest...I want to push him away but his kisses are like drug. Those sensual touch was making me dizzy. In my life I never felt this type of sensations and it makes me loosing senses.

His hands went inside my top caressing my bare skin. I feel my knees are turning into jelly. I couldn't move. His hot kisses are all my faces to neck.

"Just enjoy" he whispered to my ears. His hot breath are making me breathless. Suddenly I was in his arms in bridal style...I come back to senses. I'm in conflicted feelings. My body wanted it more where heart was melting but my mind wants him to push away.

He's my husband...the little voice inside me telling me to enjoy the passion but I don't know what to do! I moan loud feeling his mouth on my bare mound and another hand pinching my nipple. I didn't know when he took my top it's night so I didn't wear any bra...his lips are on my naked upper skin. Closing eyes I was feeling the new found pleasure..lost and given to my needs.

He suck my breast hard while squeezing another. Then turn same torture to another. My womanhood is burning in need.

"Ma-hir" I moan louder when his hands cups there. I buckled my hips wants more touch. His lips are on my naval then slowly my PJ's was taking off. He went to my toes kissing the skin then comes to my thighs. With a yank he take off the last piece of clothe and I was in heaven when his hot lips touch my clit. I curl my toes and hold his hair tightly pushing more him on me. His tongue went inside doing patterns making me needy.

"Ahhhhhh" I moan loud cuming on his mouth. The first ever my orgasm. He didn't stop...he pushed his on finger inside follow my another. I feel pain when he pushed three finger. Coming up he took my lips pushing four fingers. I was shaking in pain & pleasure. The feeling is I can't express. I cum hard all sweating. When I feel I was exhausted...he left me. I was breathing heavily, trying to control my racing heart...then he comes over me naked. His hard I already felt when he's over me but seeing such a big thing I was scared.

"Shh... just relax" he whispered kissing me, massaging my blossoms while his member rubbing there. The need burning again comes back and unknowingly I speared my legs more. Leaving my lips he took my right breast..I moan but then scram as he pushed himself inside me Sudden.

It was painful. I want to stop but he hold my hands and caressing me, asking me to be relax and takes deep breath which I followed.

Soon he started to thrust inside. The painful feeling gone and replace with pleasure. I want it more....his lips are on my neck and hands on breast. I hold his shoulder tightly. Soon enough I was lost and only our moan and skin sounds can be heard.

Screaming loud I cum and feel hot cum inside me making me moan. He's still inside hard.....and I was craving more.... god what's happening to me?

Soon again his tool started moving and I find myself lost in him loosing count how many times I cum or we make love.

Precap - Bella meet Yuvi

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