Chapter - 14

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Bella's POV

I asked forgiveness from my parents the way I run, they said it's okay and happy that I understand. I so wanted to asked how Mahir was there that day when I'm in hospital...if he brought me so means he knows how that happened, I mean I was 17 obviously wouldn't drive. I had many question but there's no answer.

Mahir's car will be come evening so I thought to go the nearest park. After accident my family didn't allow to go anywhere alone, always stay beside be like shadow but still so far. This alone freedoms moments I crave always.... it's lik-

"Bella" i froze. I get up from bench and turning found Yuvi there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking everywhere. Through I accept Mahir but if he saw me here then something wrong will happen I'm sure.

"Bella you marry him, I understand he forced but Don't worry we'll run together. We can now-"

"No Yuvi. The marriage, how it happened maybe it's wrong but I accepted it already. He's my husband and I realized he's not bad person. I wanted to give a chance our marriage. I wanted to talk you Yuvi, I'm sorry. But I'm no longer the Bella you know. I'm now Bella Mahir Sehgal" i said everything carefully, I owed a apology to him for sure. I hissed when he hold my arm tight.

"How could you Bella? That's your love? In 2-3 days you accept everything." He yelled, I know he's right and that's I get to know my answer.

"You're right Yuvi. Maybe I never loves you. You're my one of best friend I never wanted to loose so maybe when you proposed i accept. In all this I come to know I never love you"

"So you love that Sehgal?" He asked pressing my arm, I'm sure there would be red marks.

"Yuvi you're hurting me. Leave me" i tried to pushed him but he jerk me.

"Bella i loves you but you! And that Sehgal whom You're leaving me, what you know? If you can, go and find what he's hiding."

"What are-" before I could say more he left from there. I rub my arm to sooth the pain.

What he's talking about? Did he knows what all are hiding? Then why the hell he left saying half things?

I was irritated standing when suddenly felt someone holding my wrist. I face got pale finding Mahir.

Did he saw Yuvi?

"What are you doing here alone? Who allowed you to go out without guards?"


"Let's go home now" saying he took me inside car. I sigh in relief that's he doesn't saw him. I don't want him show anger side to me.

"Shouldn't I say bye to my parents?" I asked seeing the moment we set in car it's going to his mansion.

"I did and Bella never go alone outside it's not safe?" I frown.

"Your husband is big businessman and had many enemies so I wanted you be safe always" I couldn't help just looking at his eyes, my heart beat increase the way his eyes held so much concern...I looked away feeling blush crept my cheeks.

Coming back mansion I pout. Now if he left I'll be alone feeling bore.

"I'm in study room, if you need anything come to me and You should also rest then study" i nods smiling, I was so stupid thinking what to do? I had lot of studies to complete.

After freshnup I sit taking books with snacks then started my study.

Mahir's POV

I smile seeing her study while munching pokora's. She's same, never changed.

3 years 7 months back,

I went to Kuhu's school to drop her but then I feel eyes on me. Looking up I find a shorty chubby girl looking at me with wide eyes as I catch her looking at me. Shaking my head I left, it's not first time. I knew she looks at me secretly.

It was my final year of college. I didn't knew why but I daily went to drop her just to see her stealing gaze on me.

I feel a strong attraction I couldn't explain. Everywhere I could only feel her. Those smiling face, doe eyes are not leaving me stay in peace. Just to forget it I force myself to go other those girls are throwing themselves couldn't match her. She's something, maybe those innocent eyes are something. With every girl I started to compare with her. I knew Bella was Kuhu's friend from last 2 years I heard many times her name but from the moment I saw her...I feel lost.

It was Kuhu's birthday and I myself excited more than kuhu as Bella will be coming. From last 1 month I didn't saw her and thinking about her is making me restless.

I knew my behavior is weird, looking door again & again but what to do. I wanted to see her again. There comes she in pink gown, opening hair. I was lost in her beauty. She's like an angel comes to world for me.

My angel!!

My eyes are not moving from her. My heart was taking her name only. I so much want to hug her tightly and make her stay close to my heart. I wanted to look her eyes lost in them. I wanted caressed her pink soft lips, taste them. I never felt such a strong connection ever. I wanted to love her till eternity, till she lost herself on me. What !! Oh god I fall for her?

I couldn't control the smile comes to my lips seeing her laughing with Kuhu and another girl, Vishaka. Her happiness are making me happy but I wanted to be one make her smile. Her soft voice are sending chillies to my body. How would it look when she takes my name. But to my displeasure she's so busy. I feel irritated, here I want her eyes to me only and she's not looking at me.

But I couldn't wait more! Now I need to take a step forward.

The first step of friendship.

I waited for a moment to find her alone, I was dieing to talk. I hope everything goes well.

Precap - flashback continue

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