Chapter - 9

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Bella's POV

Opening eyes I stretched my hands then frown.

Where I'm?

Then it struck. I married to that idiot Obsessed Sehgal. Wait a minute what he did last night? I look myself shocked finding changed clothes. No one in room.

Let that Sanskar come I'll not leave him. How dare he touch me giving some injection. I'll kill him.

I get up having shower feeling refreshed but I feel a little pain in back. Yeah he's doing something there last night. I run in front of mirror and to my shocked.

Wow heart-bird tattoo my favorite which I once wants....what the fuck this?

Tattoo is okay but why the hell his name written on my body. I'll kill that man. But how he comes to know about this tattoo?? I still remember what happened in that case 4 years ago,

"Bhai see na this tattoo I wanted it to do in my back" I said sitting beside him in sofa of living room.

"What nonsense Bella...go to your room and never said about this nonsense things. That's all very painful baacha"

"But it's pretty" I pout.

"What's going on?" Ranveer comes there.

"Dad she wanted to do some nonsense tattoo. Say her how much painful that's all shit"

"Dad please-"

"Bella forget all this nonsense and concentrate your studies. Understand us" Nodding sadly I left my room.

How can this Mahir Know this? He comes just in my life and I don't think so Dad or Bhai ever say this. I'm Damm sure they don't remember anything, for God sake I also forget it long ago.

Getting ready I comes out and putting my accessories when the door open and Mr. Husband comes from jogging? Well maybe!

"Looking pretty wifey" I glare at him.

"What you did? How could you put tattoo on my back without my permission and why the hell your name there? And how dare you changed my clothes" I yelled but with slow step smirking he comes near me.

"I thought it's your long dream and besides you should know whom you belongs. That name will be your reminder and about changing it's my right only" before I could say him he left inside washroom.

Idiot fellow!

After getting ready I look myself. Something new there's. Of course my marriage signs. Holding the mangalsutra give me unknown feelings.

What he saw on me?

This Vermilion are something I dreamed of wearing Yuvi's name. But now everything is changed just in a second.

Why it's all happening to me? First 3 years ago a accident happen then my partial memory loss then my families changed behavior...and now I loose my Love. I wanted to cry but this tears also betrayed me. All I'm feeling anger & Rage.

I went downstairs kitchen to help my in laws and making sweet for my Pehli Rasoi. Mahir come downstairs soon join all.

"Mahir you're taking her right?" He nods.

"Take all gifts carefully and come back here-"

"But office-"

"No Mahir. Khusi will be coming after marriage first and beside you both just got married so no office"

All agreed to mom, they all so sweet taking care me. Kuhu was most existing asking she'll not call bhabi I'm only her Best friend.

How this crazy person born in loving family?

Huhh arrogant crazy, now I've to go home with him also. Why I can't go alone. Poor me!

After sometime taking everyone's blessings I left to my house with husband.

"I'll be come at 8 taking you back" I rolled my giving non interested look but my mistake....he pulled me near capturing my lips. I was shocked. We're outside my house in car. I tried to free myself but he left biting hard leaving me breathless.

"Never ignore me" he warn. I just nods scared. Coming inside all are showering love as if he's god ignoring me.

What can I be expect after my little running away failed plan.

Soon Mahir left and Arnav Bhai comes dropping bhabi in her's house.


"No Bella you don't know how much you ashamed us with your works. You for a second didn't think about our reputation"

Hearing mom's words and the look she gave makes my eyes watering.

"So what could I do? You all never understand for once Yuvi. I love him-"


I look shocked to my Dad. He slapped me.

"You don't know anything. He's the one after all you did accept you and find you. Don't know what magic Yuvi did that you are ready to disgraced your own parents"

My tears are non stoppable. I look all.

"You all are changed. Before you all care for me but now don't trust me a single" I said.

"No Bella we care-"

"Yeah I can see. Treating me glass doll as if I'm unable to do anything. I couldn't go anywhere and when I opened up about my love you all pushed me up in this marriage" i yelled all frustrated from 3 years with there's behavior and some ignorance.

I was about to run in my room but stop hearing dad.

"We always love you and you'll understand one day" i didn't say anything and went inside Lock the door.

I was no longer understand them. Why all had to changed??

I was feeling now alone here. Soon Mahir will be coming. No one comes to meet me, only send servant with foods.

"Bella Mahir arrived come downstairs" mom said coming then left.

I'm feeling irritated and jealous now seeing him getting King treatment.

What magic he did?

Soon Bhai comes with Bhabhi, who hugged me happily then soon we left.

I frown seeing it's not the way of Sehgal mansion.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked but he ignores.

"I'm asking something idiot" I yelled.

"Kidnapping you" he answered sarcastic making me more irritated.

"Mahir you-"

"We're going to my own mansion and will be stay there from now on"

"What why? Take me back mansion"

But ignoring my continue words he yelled..."stop otherwise you won't like my way of stopping you" I fumed but he took me the mansion.

Well the mansion is pretty awesome like a dream place I ever imagine.

Is he Knows my liking very much or the liking are same ours?

Huh c'mon Bella our likes can never be same.

"Let's go out room" I shiver feeling him behind me whisper huskily.

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Precap - A mysterious room. Little hot moment.

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