Chapter - 26

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Bella's POV

Why it's always happened?

I couldn't believe I'm trap now. It's just some minutes ago I thought I'll find Arun there and maybe through him my mother but here everything got changed.

I didn't imagine with Arun I would find Mahir there too.

"Mahir" i whisper shocked seeing him in front of me. There in corner Arun there lying and some mens too present.

Mahir looking at me shocked then glare. Without saying anything holding my arm he held me out.

"Mahir i- I" I don't know what should I say him. He take me in room.

"You're lying all time. From how long you're behind me planning this?" He said angrily. I couldn't look at him. Then he left locking the door.

It's been Damm 2 hours I'm locked in room. He didn't come back and I'm getting nervous with each time.

Now there's only way I should say everything to him. I stand up the moment door get open and Mahir come back with an angry look.

"From days you're searching in mansion, playing tricks. If not as situation arrive then maybe yesterday you'll meet that Arun. How you know he's here?" He asked coming in front of me. I get it, he checked all cameras.

"You brought all Mehera's share and the way all get vanished it's easy to guess you did something and (I thought what Yuvi told about some secret in mansion) whatever I heard I guessed maybe Arun is here" he looks at me frowning.

"You had your memory" he's shocked...."why you want to know about Arun?" I want to roll my eyes seeing the Sudden rage, jealous look.

"I don't know where is Mehera's and he's only one could say about my mother's whereabouts" now time to say everything so be it.

"Your mom? She's home now" he replied frowning confusion.

"I'm not talking about Ishani Khanna. I'm talking about my real mother Janki Singhania. I'm not there real daughter Mahir. They're selfish. They killed my father. I found out everything 3 years back and from the time I was trying to find my mother" I sob hard while Mahir make me sit and hug me tight. I cried hugging him for sometime.

"What are you saying Bella?"

"It's true. 3 years ago....(Bella said how she listen there's talk) I tried my best to found about them. Being near Arun I tried to get some information and I got to know Mehera's are held my mom. But then accident and memory loss. I get my memory before our marriage itself" Mahir looking at me silently after knowing everything.

"You didn't you say me? It means that bloody Khanna...that property papers. I won't leave him" he's looking very angry.

"No Mahir i need to know where my mom is. Arun could help into this."

"But Bella now Khanna's and Mehera's doesn't have contact. What if Ranveer knows about your mother?"

"I don't think so because from what I got know Rakesh Mehera still connected to Ranveer Khanna. Only because Arun wasn't here nor his another son he's hiding"

"Also because Arun is in my clutch he's playing hide & sick game. That Yuvraaj also his man" I look him shocked, I thought him as a friend but he's also behind everything!

"Mahir take me to Arun. Please find out where my mother. My birthday is coming and there's less time. After sign they'll kill her" I hug him tightly while he promised he's gonna bring my mom back and punish those all culprits.

I should say him everything ago already then maybe he would done something but also I didn't had enough Trust on him nor I got to know why Ranveer marry me off with Mahir. Maybe it's right time and we'll find my mom soon.

I'll find you mom.

Another side,

"Abhijit what happened? Why you're sounding so sad?" Kuhu asked worried. She had been calling but he didn't pick and when he did he sounded upset on something. So she thought to come and meet him.

"Your dad wants me to join his company. Kuhu I'm not rich as you and if for marrying you I had to do this I can't. You know about me all Kuhu" Kuhu look at him shocked, for her he pretend to be a very self-respected person who doesn't like anyone show there's money. Abhijit aka Shoarya smirk, as now time comes for his next step plan.

"What are you saying Abhijit. Dad won't do anything like this and I love you" Kuhu hug him tightly in fear.

"I do too Kuhu but your family don't like me much. They don't think me as your compatible"

"No Abhijit. Nothing like that" Abhijit broke hug look at her sadly with fake tearful eyes.

"I can't marry you like this" he whispered looking Kuhu from corner of eyes.

"No Abhijit now I'm not alone. I'm pregnant" Kuhu finally told him. Abhijit look at her shocked then smile Victories.

"Really? I'm so happy" he hug her happily and smirk as now there's no problem taking his plan's next step.

"Kuhu let's marry now itself" she looks him shocked.

"But! mean-"

"I know and understand also but see Kuhu I can't join your father's company. I could do things my own. I can try my best to take care of you and our baby" Kuhu look at him in demur, she didn't understand this moment. Then her thought went to her baby.

Now her first priority should be her baby. She's mainly scared with the thought telling her family being pregnant and now hearing Abhijit she's scared what if he really doesn't marry her. She's always a sensitive and pampered, never take decision and now being this situation she's so much scared.

"Okay" she's unsure but scared to denied for her baby. Abhijit smirk, till now he knows her very well and manipulate her his favorite thing.

He smirked more remember some weeks ago how he called Kuhu and trap her......

Precap - Abhijit- Kuhu marriage

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