Chapter - 30

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Mahir's POV

Me and Vikram following the tracker which is showing a outskirt of city. I was fully disagree when Bella just sent a text about there's call and how she decided to go but then she already left home without being noticed. With half heart I finally agreed as we couldn't find any way to catch them.

The chain Bella had it's have a tracker which is now helpful for us.

"We should stop the car here itself. The sounds can alert them" i nods at Vikram, police and some of my mens are with me. I don't know how much people they are but I need to safe Bella, Kuhu, Bella's mom and for that I asked some back force also.

It's all hidden so there's no chance if anyone had eye on us then could see only me and Vikram. Through Bluetooth Vikram is connected to police and I'm with my men's.

Stopping the car we both come out and following my mobile which location it's showing.

"I think someone is behind us" Vikram whisper, I also heard very quite rattling sounds of leaf. As we're walking in jungle so the path isn't good and hiding steps sounds are quite difficult.

Before we could walk more we saw two shadows behind tree comes out. It's two men's having gun.

"Leave phone there itself and come with us" both said showing us gun. We move, police already put a tracker chip in our shoes so it's not problem. I also want to go fast so can save my family.

After walking more like 15 minutes there I saw a old godown.

"Don't stop and go fast" we nods and go inside. I already told Vikram about get to Know Khanna being Bella's fake parents so he's not shocked much seeing the scene. My blood boil seeing Bella sitting on floor. The corner of her lips had slightly blood. Both Khanna with Mehera standing having winning smirk.

"Welcome son in law" Ranveer said, I so wanted to kill him. Bella looks up at me worried. Don't know why I feel there's something wrong.

Bella's POV

I was going as said and it's very far walking distance. Finally I reached a small farmhouse. Before I go inside I feel someone behind put a gun on my back.

"Welcome sweetheart" his dirty voice remind me, it's Arun.

"C'mon let's move. Should we?" I followed and coming inside I saw Abhijit sitting in chair with a smirk. I glare at him, I can't believe the person whom I trust and meet sometime is a evil. If I know then I would protect Kuhu long ago.

"Well Hello Bella. Nice to meet you" he laughed then turn to Arun who comes now front.

"You didn't introduce me?" I frown at Arun's grin face.

"See Bella can't you recognize my brother Shorya? Your husband did damaged a lot and for that my brother had to go a plastic surgery" I was shocked knowing it's Shorya.

"Yes I know and it's doesn't change you both are Coward bastard, attack behind back" i yelled and hissed because Arun slap me really hard.

"Well we both lost the chance 3 years ago when we decided to drug you and have fun but your Mahir come between and flop our plan. You meet accident, Mahir is behind us... because of him Arun got trap, my accident and dad had to go underground but now Mahir had to pay." I laugh mocking them.

"Mahir did this much but still you think you both could do anything?" They smirk and it's scared me.

"I did ruined his sister life. Poor Kuhu" I look at him wide eyes.

"What you did? Where is Kuhu" I started looking everywhere but soon two men's comes out holding gun so I couldn't move.

Both disgusting brother sit and laugh....."your sister in law is crazy, she thought I'm in love but I used her and poor she got pregnant and after my manipulation she marry me" my eyes got teary after hearing Shorya, Kuhu is pregnant...this bloody asshole!

"And now her remain dignity would be lost as we already sold her away" i froze hearing them.

"NOOO. Where is she?" I yelled tried to went both of them to kill but this who men holding me back throw me away.

"Mahir's sister already destroyed and now your turn. It will be fun to see his long wish to have you" Arun smirk coming to me, tried to touch me. I pushed him away but he hold my hand tightly then twist is hard. I yelp in pain but all laugh. I tried to protest much I could but soon he tied my hand back and take me upstairs.

I was praying for Mahir to come as I'm feeling helpless coming in dark room. He throw me and start coming to me but soon his phone ring. He take the call and his expression change.

Soon he hold me up and open my hand then take me out. Outside I saw Shorya glaring at me, but before I heard them shouting over something..there also a pissed old man standing holding his head.

What's happening?

Outside a car is ready where they throw me back and car took me to a godown. There I saw my fake parents with Mehera and some men's.

"See who come" they smirk evily.

"Now be a good girl and sign this paper fast otherwise you maybe lost Kuhu and Janki" Mehera said and give me paper.

"Why you both are doing this? Just for money?(turn to my fake mother) how could you cheat your own sister? Isn't relationship matter anything? How cheep you can be" she slap hard and I fall down. Both laugh and Ishani lean and give me pen and paper.

"Sign it fast. We don't have much time because your birthday is already come" I look at her birthday is still 13 days remain.

"You didn't think you know your right date of birth did you?" Then I understand why they're so hurry because it's already passed 12, and my birthday. Oh God! So less time to do anything.

"Sign it" I was about to nods no but I heard a women shouting in pain.

"See sign fast otherwise your mother will feel so pain" my eyes got teary, they're all evil. I sign the papers.

"Now time to kill you and that useless sister of mine" Ishani said happily seeing the paper again & again.

"But we had more to guest to join you my dear fake daughter. They'll also accompany" I feel so helpless when I saw Mahir and Vikram coming behind two men.

I couldn't do anything! Don't know where Kuhu is? Where is Arnav Bhai? Here my mom also in pain.

Mahir look at me worried, he maybe saw my injuries, all slap and throwing get me.

"So why not to do something good. Wanna see your mother at last before dying?" I look at Ranveer, he smirk at Mehera and both turn to a men. Soon a door open and they throw a lady.


Precap - Evil finished.

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