Chapter - 23

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Abhijit's POV

"Dad why this Yuvi... he's nothing useful now. We shouldn't save him"

"He'll help to divert Mahir's attention. Till now because of him he didn't get a single doubt that you would be behind his sister." I rolled my eyes but nodded and left. I check my phone and this Kuhu! 21 missed call, I mean how could someone be so chipku? She's like a him always.

I called her back with a fake apologies.

"I'm sooo sorry baby. I just get busy in some work and my phone also get switch off"

"It's okay I was getting worried just" I rolled my eyes but talk sometime before cutting the call.

Only one motive is my life and that's it Mahir destroyed.

My dad and Khanna's are together from many years. My dad is Rishab's partner along with Ranveer Khanna but Rishab never liked my dad's tricks to gain success so finally one day he broke partnership. My dad made his own company but it couldn't never be successful like Rishab Juneja's company. Ranveer uncle's eyes also on there's property. So my dad and Ranveer uncle made plan and kill Rishab and capture her wife as her signature would be needed. His will is a Damm headache.

Everything is going perfect, our company both are going good but then comes Sehgal. They're within some time come No. 1 position and mostly I hate Mahir.

Well I'm Shoarya Mehera. For the world I die long ago but I'm very much alive just come back with a new face after plastic surgery.

From college when I meet Mahir I knew he's my rival. I tried to befriend with him and do something destroy his image but he's more smart then I imagine. He comes to know what I'm trying so we become official enemy. In everything he's after a lot planning there comes Bella. She never catch my eyes but when I come to know Mahir's interest I saw her. I always know about Bella, a key of 300 crores. But then I made a plan to destroy Bella. Arun help me in that and Mahir is heart broken after Bella's rejection. In all this one thing sure Bella is such a hot boom.

I know Mahir will do something to get Bella so in party me and Arun made a plan to enjoy her and then Mahir will be more broken but for bad luck Bella vanished from party. Everything goes wrong when we get news of her accident.

Mahir catch ours plan to destroy Bella to broke him. He used his Technics and take whole property making us beggar. He kidnap Arun and don't know what he did till now. Me and Dad couldn't do anything because Arun is his Captured. I meet with accident and get plastic surgery.

It took years to do something little so that we had some money and again attack him. That bustard Ranveer didn't help us and because of partnership he married off Bella with Mahir.

Yuvi is our most thrusted man's son who died in all this and now he's working for us. We thought to use Yuvi and trap Bella but that idiot fall for her and make everything messed. Nor he could get Bella nor I. So then I noticed Mahir's hot sister Kuhu who's having a crush on me. It's a lucky chance come by own self.

Now I'll soon married Kuhu and after use I'll throw her away then let's see what Mahir will do after seeing his sister broken. She's already crazily love with me.

Count down start Mahir.

Bella's POV

As per plan I placed the special gum in door lock and placed all projects around room. In that way Mahir wouldn't doubt me. Soon Vikram's marriage function will be start and using this chance I could go Mahir's secrete room.

I was working in project waiting Mahir to come fast.

I heard car horn and sigh happily.

"What the" i heard Mahir's curse and turn to see him innocently. He's wiping his hands with hanky making faces...owe so cute!...shut up Bella concentrate.

I scold myself and saw him in Confusion.

"What's this Bella? What you did with the room" he asked looking all mess shocked.

"Sorry I was doing project and didn't notice anything. What happened to your hand?"

"Don't know something sticky is there in knob. Yukkk" he makes faces and come close to me.

"It can be gum. It was all my hand then after using I went downstairs maybe that time-"

"Forget it.(He kissed my cheeks) mom said us to move in mansion till Vikram's marriage so we'll shift there" he left washroom and I whinnied.

Gosh why now only!

The moment I made sure shower sounds are coming I run to door and take out the gum which becomes a sticker now. It's a special gum when someone put finger there's print get fixed. I take out and placed it in corner blowing it. Soon it get dry and I placed it in a box.

I thought I'll by using it will open door but I guess I need to wait more.

Maybe it's great everyone will be busy and I'll taking a time to come here and open the door.

The door open and Mahir come. I fastly packed all and placed it my cabinet where all books and studies things are placed.

"I missed you so much" he mummer placing some kisses on my neck.

"Mahir let's rest then we need to go there" he just hummed pulling me more close nuzzling on my nose. I sigh feeling so good being closed to him.

We kiss and cuddle sometimes before getting ready left towards Sehgal Mansion. Kuhu text me hours back saying she's nervous as today she's gonna say about her love to parents. I just hope Mahir don't over react cause he's a protective brother too.

Coming in Sehgal mansion I hug mom and bade mom, I missed both then with Kuhu I talked and help them. It's a grand arrangements going and many guests, media present also my so called family.

Soon Vish with her family come and Engagement done with everyone's blessings.

Precap - Kuhu-Abhijit engagement.

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