Chapter - 32

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Mahir's POV

"I'm sorry Bhai" Kuhu whisper with teary eyes, she just get her conscious. It's very early morning, Bella is in her mother's room.

"Kuhu why you stay silent. Why didn't you said anything?" I asked hurt, everyone in home always love her so much and why she hide this big thing.

"Bhai I was scared. You all loves me so much and what I did. I thought Abhijit....I mean he loves me but everything is just a game. I know you all will be ashamed of me" I hug her wiping her tears.

"You're always dear to me Kuhu. If something is going you should talk to me. Don't you trust your brother? And how you could think anyone will be ashamed?" She cried hugging me, realising her pain and in every cry I knew what to do!

"Bhai I'm sorry, I got scared" she whispered, I wipes her tears again.

"Everyone till now knows about baby?" I nods, she just sigh sadly.

"You want this-"

"It's my baby Bhai. No one else" I smile at her, no matter what we'll always stay beside her.

"Kuhu" soon door entered and Bella come giving her a hug. Both talk for sometime.

Now everything is okay! My all family is save, I'm happy. Both Bella and Kuhu talking so I come out and talk doctor, in some hours janki Aunty would also be conscious and Kuhu also would get discharged.

I look my phone where my men already text me. It means already everything under control.

After all comes to see Kuhuand Jankimom, yeah she asked me call and I'm happy seeing Bella finally got her mother. All asked us to go back get fresh, Kuhu would be going now but Jankimom needs to stay.

Coming back we both get fresh, I inform Bella and left my mansion's outhouse.

There in dark room both are lying unconscious. Yes both Shorya & Arun are here and I planned that accident. I'm more satisfied seeing there's cutting fingers and blood from parts due to all beatings everywhere. With this hand they tired to touch my Jaan and they deserve it.

I order and there comes my men with cold water. I throw it on them and they get up moaning in pain. I love this sounds. Specially Shorya because of whom my sister cried a lot. There leg and arm are chained so couldn't come close to me.

"Poor Arun you should run but see because of plans you again get my trap." He didn't say anything just looking down. I look at Shorya who's still after everything glaring me.

"Tsk tsk your time is already gone. You didn't do right targeting my sister" I motion my one men and he put salt on his wounds. Those scrams are making me smile. The tears my Kuhu shed this all for her.

"Continue with them" I left, they'll cut there more parts and keeps torturing till they died.

Coming back home all are taking care of Kuhu, non talked about baby specifically. Kuhu left to take rest while we all talked, mom-dad are very tensed about Kuhu's future.

"Don't worry mom, first she needs to get better and I know my sister she will be okay"

"Yeh Bhai is right. Now she just needs to our support"

And those bustards who caused her pain wouldn't be alive more then 2 days and will get worst painful death.

3 months later,

Bella's POV

"Mom you shouldn't make food, cooks are there"

"Yes that's what I also say"

"Bella Arnav you both are taking unnecessary tension I'm okay" mom said and we all served ourselves. Khusi bhabi is in office but as I'm free from college fast today so asked Bhai to pick up, I was missing mom so much. And she cooked for us specially our favorite food.

After mom's discharged she stayed with us for a week then Arnav Bhai take her. He got a mom within her after whatever happened. Everything is going great, Kuhu is recovering fast and decided to join office after completing study.

Khusi bhabi is 1 month pregnant and that's another good news for everyone. I look at my phone where Mahir's call coming. It's another reason I'm here.

It's just last week ago when he promised to take me out dinner last day but totally forget and when I called him he's busy in meeting.

Eating with all talk finally I'm ready to go but here Mahir already come to pick me. I frown as I didn't say! Oh yeah he fixed some guards behind me giving him my all information. Don't know who those guards are hiding behind people's.

"You didn't receive my single call" I bit my tongue, he seems angry. I know he asked sorry very times but what if I did some fun. It's not wrong right?

"I didn't saw" i shrug, but he rolled his eyes continue driving.

"I told you many times don't ignore calls what if there's something important"

"Okay sorry but see you know where I'm so stop worrying" I said looking at him, I frown seeing him coming somewhere else.

"As I promised"

"But I'm full now" I said thinking he's gonna take me out for eating, but he didn't say anything and we come out. It's a sweet lake near and forest around and the sun set view are. OMG! A camp.

"We are-"

"Yes. You want to go camping trip last month which I denied so how's it?" I smile looking the arrangements, he did everything perfect. I was angry a month ago when I asked him going to educational tour from college he denied making me sad.

"It's awesome" I replied, he forward hand and I hold it. Intertwine our fingers we moved. Inside the camp a comfortable single couch and some important equipments.

"Why single?" He hug me from behind placing chin on my shoulder.

"I thought it's only needed" I turn around looking at him placing hand on his neck, there's a lot of flaws he had but still he's my love well same goes to me, I'm his love.

"I love you" he whispered placing his lips on me. I gasp, we kissed many uncountable times but still it's as if new. The spark are always makes me nervous yet excited.

Lost in tasting each other's mouths we come over couch, soon enough our clothes are all around and we're lost in making love.

I breath hard after coming out from our passionate haze. I'm listening his heart beat sounds while he's caressing my back. Due to making love we lost track of time and it's seems late night already.


"Very" I replied, I had eaten long time ago.

"Really?" I frown at his mischievous tone! He meant something else. I hit his arm, chuckling he get up wearing vest left out and brought food. Till now I'm dressed.

Sitting out looking the beautiful sky full of Stars and moon we eat and talk till I fall asleep peaceful in the arm of my Mahir.

Precap - Epilogue

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