Chapter 3

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(Mina's POV)

"Do you even know why we were looking for you?" another officer asked back.
"It's so obvious, its because of that bitch Somin, now can we get going" I said starting to get annoyed. They looked at each other confused and got in the car.
"Bitch is trying so hard" I said in my thoughts as I let out a low chuckle. The officer took out handcuffs so that he could put them on me.
"I don't need no damn handcuffs" I said back with an attitude.
"What if you run away?" he said back with the same tone. I chuckled at his statement.
"If I wanted to run away then would I voluntarily get in this car?" I said annoyed. He didn't say anything, I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

{at the police station} 

"Please sit down here" the officer said before walking off somewhere. I sat and waited for him or someone else to come, I was getting tired of all this bullshit so I decided to play the reverse card on Somin. Soon an officer came and sat across from me behind his desk.
"So Miss Mina, you have-" before he could finish, I interrupted him.
"I want my one phone call" I said. He looked shocked as to what I just did.
"Okay.." he said as I pulled out my phone to call my dad. I called him and all I said was...
"Dad, come to XXXXXXX station" I then hung up.

I put my phone away and looked at the officer.
"Search me up, Lee Mina" I said as the officer started typing on his keyboard to look me up.
"L-Lee Mi-Mina" he said shocked. he quickly got up and bowed to me.
"I'm sorry ma'am, we didn't know it was you." he said as he sat back down.
"I won't be hard on you, just cancel the lawsuit" a voice spoke from behind. I turned around and saw my dad. Everyone in the station got up and bowed down to him.
"B-But Mr.Lee, we can't because Mrs.Jeon put it on your daughter." he spoke.
"Somin's mom" I whispered to my dad. He chuckled.
"How much money to get rid of it" my father asked. The officer did research and was shook at the price.
"5.5 million s-sir"

My dad took out a check and threw it on his desk.
"Give this to Mrs.Lawsuit, it's 8 million, oh and tell her to keep the change." my dad said before we both walked out. We head to our own cars.
"Thanks dad" I said slightly smiling.
"What had happened?" he asked.
"Somin and me got into a fight, she started it but put the blame on me" I said rolling my eyes.
"Is it that Somin...?" he asked me.
"Yeah.. it's Jeon Somin" I said annoyed.
"That mean's Jiwoo also goes to that school?!" he said shocked now that he realized its Jeon Somin.

[FLASHBACK in 7th grade]

I was walking to the library to get a book for the stupid project our teacher assigned us, I didn't wanna stay at school late looking for the book so I decided to go to the public library near my house. I was in the library looking for the book when Jiwoo and Somin came up to me and pushed me causing me to lose my balance and fall down. I looked at who pushed me and I got mad.
"What the hell is your problem bitches?!" I said clearly mad.
"What did you call us??!" Jiwoo yelled.
"Are you deaf? You heard me!" I said yelling back. They got mad and they both punched me causing me to fall back down and it also made my lip bleed. I got up and kneed Somin then slapped Jiwoo. We got into a big fight, then suddenly Jiwoo pulled out a pocket knife, she cut me and they both ran away. I groaned in pain. I didn't even care about the book at this point, I just left and went home. As I stepped into the house, my mom rushed over to me and was worried.
"OMG! What happened Mina?!" she asked terrified.
"Nothing, Jiwoo and Somin picked a fight with me again..." I said annoyed but also in pain from the cut, she had cut me on my stomach. It wasn't deep but they still took me to the hospital. My parents wanted to sue them and put a lawsuit on them but I told them not to, I wanted to handle it my own way. So I decided to work out and train in everything... I worked really hard in MMA so next time they come for me, they'll have a taste of my medicine.


"Be careful of those girls and their friends.. Mina, don't-" I spoke before my father could finish his sentence.
"I got this" was all I said before I hugged him and got in my car. I drove to school, I was ready to see the look on Somin's face because I knew the cops would be there right now to give her the money, her mom wasn't here at this moment so Mrs.Jeon couldn't take the money. As I parked my car, I see that the cops just arrived. An evil smirk appeared on my face as I made my way out my car towards the cops.
"Give me the check" I said to them as they bowed and handed me the check. Everyone was looking at me. Then Jiwoo came and right beside her was Somin. I glared at both of them.
"M-Mina? How are you not in jail?!" Somin was surprised. Everyone started to gossip about what Somin said. I walked up to her and threw the check in her face.
"Your stupid lawsuit won't work on me, go try it on someone else" I said smirking. Then Blackpink came up to us and glared at them as well.
"Let's go Mina" Lisa said as we walked away. I purposely bumped into Jiwoo.
"Keep your minions in control" I winked at her and left.
"YAHHH!!" Jiwoo yelled. A couple people laughed at what I said and that made Jiwoo mad.
"SHUT UP!" she yelled at everyone before following me and Blackpink inside.


Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading Chapter 3 to Bad Boy Likes Me. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Sorry if this chapter was boring or if you find the story boring. I will be writing another story soon and hopefully you'll like it better. Royalty is the only story that will last long, other stories such as this one will be short stories so the most chapters it'll have will probably be 15. Sorry but thank you for reading.

Words: 1166

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