Chapter 13

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(Yoongi's POV)

"W-What do you mean?" Lisa asked as she came to the door.
"She's dead... and I couldn't save her" I said letting another tear slip out. Next I know, I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek. Lisa slapped me. After that, I explained everything to them. They all starting crying and so did I. I silently cried, I didn't save my love. I didn't know what else to do because we obviously couldn't hold a proper funeral with her body... it's- it's crushed under those rocks. Just thinking about her death made me hate myself, so I just left.
"Yah! Min Yoongi!" Jisoo yelled. I turned around and looked at her waiting for her to continue.
"Wh-Where is Mina right now?" she said sadly.
"XXXXXXXX" I told her the address before getting into my car and driving off.

*3 years later*

(Yoongi's POV)

"Oppa~" Yuna whined. You may be wondering who Yuna is, well she's my girlfriend, Shin Yuna. Ever since Mina died, I didn't date anyone else until about a year ago when me and Yuna met each other through business. She likes me and she even confessed to me, I was about to turn her down when Taehyung told me I should give other's a chance. So since then, me and Yuna have been dating.
"Pay attention to me" she said again wrapping her arms around my neck from behind my chair as I worked.
"Yuna, I'm busy right now" I said focusing on my work.
"You're always busy, never have time for me. You know what I'm your girlfriend right?" she said upset.
"You don't do anything, ever since you started dating me, you slacked off SO much... I'm not you so leave me alone, and about the girlfriend and boyfriend thing. If you want attention then you should go date someone less busier than me" I said as I removed her arms from my neck and started going through paperwork. Now you may be curious of what type of work Yoongi does.

Well... let's just say he's a gangster, he own's his own gang and they're currently the second strongest gang in all of Asia. There's this other gang that's the strongest, the leader is a female named Kwon Eunbi. Here's a little history about both our gangs. My gang, Bulletproof Boys, has always been the strongest and richest gang in all of Asia but suddenly one day about 6 months ago; another gang, Black Spades, which belongs to Eunbi, came out of no where and took our place. We did a lot of research to how they managed to reach our place so quickly. It turned out that they've been underground for almost 3 years gathering money and allies to help them. They stayed underground to stay out of other gang's sight so they don't get attacked. I was mad but I was also surprised to how smart of a move that was. In all these 6 months, I've never seen Eunbi, nor have I seen her full face. I've only seen her eyes in newspapers. They remind me so much of Mina but we all know she's dead. Blackpink managed to get someone to get her body out and cremate her, we held her funeral... I wish she was still here, I never got to tell her how much I love her, I only dated Yuna to get my mind off of Mina and it did work the first couple of months until I seen Eunbi's eyes. I've met her assistants before, Kim Hyuna and E'Dawn. I hope I get to meet her later on in life, not because of any personal feelings or anything... I just wanna see how many of her features match Mina's, I miss her.

Right now I'm working on a couple of paperwork, I'm checking all the information that Jimin printed out for our next order. Yes we do illegal things, I started this all because of Mina, I'm pretty sure you guys know why.
"Oppa..." Yuna then said breaking my out of my thoughts.
"Hmmm..." I hummed as a response.
"Read this..." she said as she handed me the newspaper. I took it from her and read it.

 I took it from her and read it

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