I Need a Zamboni To Clear My Mind.

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X's P.O.V:
"I can't skate, Four. How are we going to do this?" I ask worriedly. "I can teach you." He replies briskly. "Y-you can ice skate?" I'm surprised. I can't really imagine Four in figure skates, twirling on the ice. "There are a lot of things I can do, X."

"We don't own figure skates, though." I worry even more. "Stop worrying so much, X, I've got it all figured out. Just trust me." Four assures me. We walk up to a small shop area outside the rink, Four leading the way. He raps his hand on the counter to try and get the worker's attention. "Hey, Three. It's me, Four." He calls inside. The red shape of Three appears. "What do you want, freak?" He sneers. "Figure skates for my..." Four hesitates, looking at me. "....friend, here." Three's eyes linger on me. "I remember you, X." He ponders. "You're the one who felt bad for freak over here when we banished him from our land." "My name is Four." Four corrects, clearly annoyed. "Just let him try on a few skates until he finds one that fits. We'll pay to rent them." He adds. "Fine, anything for your princess." Three mocks.
"What are you implying by that?!" Four slams his hands on the counter. This scares me.
"We are not in a relationship, Three."
Four doesn't realize how much that hurt me.
It's like he doesn't want to be in one.
He probably doesn't.

Four's P.O.V:
I can't let Three think X and I are together.
I mean, I want to be, but Three can't know that.
X looks hurt, and I need to remember to apologize to him later. But wouldn't apologizing show that I like him? And if X is hurt, does that mean he likes me, too?
Just thoughts.
Nothing else.
Nothing real.
I push them away.

"Hey X, you can go pick a pair of skates now." I put my hand on his shoulder. Three watches us in silence as X tries on two pairs. He finds the right ones on the third pair and slips them on. "C-could you do up my laces?" He asks quietly. "Of course." I respond, getting down on one knee. Is this how it would feel to propose to him? I tie up his laces quickly and efficiently. "Thanks." X still seems a little bit hurt. I find a pair of ice skates for myself and put them on. They fit perfectly. I do up my laces and take clunky steps towards X, who is sitting on a bench. "Here, it's pretty easy to walk on regular ground with these on." I hold out my hand to help him up.
X gets up by himself, ignoring my hand.
He starts shakily walking to the ice on his own.
Without me.
He takes one step onto the ice.
And loses his balance.

X's P.O.V:
My stomach hovers at the top of my belly, giving me a butterfly feeling as I slip.
I brace myself for the impact-
But it doesn't come?
I slowly open my eyes and meet Four's. He caught me moments before I hit the ground, and I'm in his arms. I stare into his eyes, shocked. "Y-you caught me? But how?" I gasp. "You know I'm fast, X." Four gazes at me. I can't stay mad at him forever. It's just impossible. So I don't. "Sorry I got kind of... upset earlier." I apologize, breaking the silence. "I-it's okay." Four looks away, his eyes leaving mine. "Let's skate." He tries to change the conversation.
His attempt is successful.
I take slow steps onto the centre of the ice, Four shadowing me as he holds my hands in front of me. "One step... two steps..." He murmurs encouragement to me. I smile and blush a little, following his commands.
"See, now you've got it!" He cheers, still holding onto me from behind. I take baby steps on the ice. "I've never seen you skate before, Four." I awe. Four brings me to a strange sitting area on the side and gestures for me to take a seat. He then gracefully glides on the ice. I watch, mesmerized. It's like he's floating... Four skates around in the shape of an 8 a couple times, then leaps and does a mid-air twirl, landing perfectly. My jaw hangs open in shock. What else can Four do that I don't know of?! That was beautiful... I quickly applaud, closing my mouth. "That was beautiful, Four." I smile. "Aw, thanks." He smiles back, skating over to me again and taking my hand.
"Let's skate some more." He tells me.
"That would be amazing." I reply, standing up.

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