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Four's P.O.V:

Search already!

What are you waiting for?

a way to escape without them?


You greedy little thing.

I tell my brain to shut up immediately. That's enough negative for one day. My eyes dart around, in search of what to do next.

"H-hey, Four?" X coughs, "Where are they?"
I shake my head, at a loss for words. There are no ways for us to tell- so we should probably search. X shifts nervously in my arms. I can feel him heating up. He might die if you don't find thyme soon, a voice murmurs in the back of my mind. I push it away quickly. There's no need to think about that right now.

"Let's go find them."

????'s P.O.V:

"Look, look!!" I cheer, peering through the window, "They're getting up! They're going to go find Five and Six!" "I apologize, but you seem to have forgot. Five is dead." The other person tells me quietly. I freeze. "Oh yeah..." the acknowledgment barely escapes my lips, as if I was... pitying them? No, no. Pity is not for children. Not these young, weak children.

That's right.

Weak children.

The voice tells me things in my mind, and I obey. It's not like I have a choice. "Good job, mother." The voice smirks, "You didn't resist this time."

I inhale sharply.

"Of course not, my creation."

Four's P.O.V [AGAIN]:

With X in my arms, I follow the gravel trail back to the centre of the Playground where all paths meet. There are bushes scattered about, and leaves littered everywhere. X coughs quietly, covering his mouth. Even just looking at him tells me he's sick- he's pale with beads of sweat on his forehead.

...my poor variable...

"FOUR!!" X suddenly gasps, frantically pointing to a bush nearby.

"There's thyme!"

I smile, relieved. We have the herb, now X can use it.

...but where are Five and Six?

"X, why aren't the other two here?" I ask quietly, a feeling up dread slowly creeping up on me. X seems to finally notice this, and looks up at me from where he lays in my arms. He has a clearly worried expression on his face. "Four, we have to search... Five is my friend, and Six is sweet as well!" He begs.

"But, X... if we search, your condition will get worse. Not to mention that the other numbers have resorted to murder," I try to reason with him.

"and I'm never going to lose you again."

X's face flushed a little as I said that, despite it already being red from his sickness. "You're not going to lose me, Four..." he whispers.

"Hopefully that turns out to be true."



I've had writer's block for a bit now and it's literal hell. But!! I still wrote this. So uhhh I hope you enjoyed??

That's it!

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