What's The Use Of Feeling... Yellow?

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Three's P.O.V:
I grunt as I walk to the centre of the Equation Playground.  X is heavier than I thought he would be. Sure, he's short, but he's also rather wide.
X's expression has been blank for ten minutes now. He's not saying anything and is really out of character. He's alive, yes, but his eyes are glazed over and he's staring into space like some kind of zombie you'd see in classic horror films.

Actually, he's starting to look kind of like Four.

I snicker a little. The prince's mysterious tendencies are contagious. Well, more of a reason for me to take X all for myself!!

I wonder why X even likes Four, anyways. He's not attractive or anything, and not charming in the least. Not to mention that Four is unlucky, too. So why would X want him? I'm clearly superior. I'm cunning, loyal, and good looking. I just don't understand.

Ah. Here we are.

The Playground is rusty and the atmosphere is terrifying, which isn't scary to me. X still has no reaction to the scene. I'm getting kind of suspicious now. He should be, what, crying now? I put my free hand on one of the old seesaws, testing to see if it will sink and rise the other side. It didn't, so I pushed down harder. Still no luck. Actually, I could use this. I carefully set X down on the seesaw, feeling my arm tingle with relief that I was no longer carrying him anymore. X's eyes were out of focus as if he was staring through my very flesh. I shuddered and waved my hand in front of him a couple of times until he actually acknowledged my presence. "Jesus Christ, X, what's wrong with..." I paused, realizing something, my eyes widening. "...you..." X's eyes are normally blue. But now they're... yellow? Aren't Four's eyes yellow?
He thinks he's so smart, doesn't he?
"So you figured it out at last, huh, Three?" 'X' smirked. "He's home now. If you try to leave, I'll attack you." 'X''s sides slowly shifted to green, then became blue. He expanded height wise, and I do admit it was rather intimidating.

But not enough to scare me.

"I'm stronger than you, Four.
Do you really want to do this?"
I asked.

"Anything for my variable."

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