Chapter 2: New Students

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Author POV

Like other days, Jimin woke up happily until he noticed a red string that connected his pinky to another person, oh he knew well what that means. His soulmate is near.

Unlike other people his family can see the string and the soulmate tattoo that will appear soon on Jimin's hand.

"Oh great... " He sighed and proved to go wash himself and get ready to school

Time skip!

"Hey Jimin are you awake yet? We need to-" His sister asked her but stopped when she notice his pinky

"Omg!! My life bro finally have a soulmate string!! I wonder who that person will be" She squealed and took her brother's hand to see it up closely

"Sis,Bel,Bella! Park Bella!!Please... We need to go! "

"Oh right, here's your breakfast eat it in the car and let's go" Bella snapped out of her thoughts and proceeds to grab the car keys

"So...... I just got a text from Nadine, that there will be 3 new students boys.... "

"And ur telling me this why? " Jimin sarcastically asked as her sister rolled her eyes and said

"Maybe one of the boys is your soul mate, we all know you're gay so yeah... "
Jimin gave her a glare and stared at the window not bothering to answer

At school.

Jimin POV


"Hi hoseokie! " I greet my hyungs

"Hey Jimin! Hello Bella" Namjoon hyung smiled and showed us his dimples

"Hello Namjoon, Jin oppa, and hoseok. It's a nice day huh? " My sis greets them before telling them the news

" Nadine told me that there will be 3 guys transfering here, on junior and senior year" She continues and smiled also greet her friends who just came in

"Hi guys! " I hear Nadine Noona greet us while Lauren Noona smiled and waved at us

"One question!! Who the heck wanna transfer here in the middle of the school year? " Namjoon hyung asked

"Yeah i mean it's weird- " I didn't finished my sentence because someone bumped me that caused me to fall

"Hey, you prick! Better watch where you're going! " I yelled not knowing who it is

"Oh, I'm so sorry my friend pushed me that's why I stumble and accidentally bumped you, I'm soooo sorry! " By the voice I could tell that's a he, he extended his arm to help my up while apparently my sis and my friends can't help me up!

"Yeah, um it's okay?" I said while looked at him, he is very handsome his jawline is sharp with a hair that he curled it to have a beachy vibe, and smooth skin, it's like I'm looking at a God or something. But one thing I noticed that he already have a tattoo is a heart placed on his neck

My smile feel as I see it, it means he already meet his soulmate... As I see his 2 friends I don't see the same tattoo.

I didn't notice I was staring and thinking until Lauren Noona speaks up and said

"Okay, you three are new right? "

"Yes, we are! " The one who seems excited said as I turn down to hide my blush

"My name is Taehyung or V, the one who bumped it your friend is Jungkook and this is Yoongi or Suga" He said pointing to smaller one

"Glad to meet you! Do you need any help? " Hoseok hyung exclaimed as my sister pulled me back to whisper something

"Look at your left hand little bro"

What? Oh shit... No the heck way!! I thought

I looked down at my left hand and saw the same exact tattoo Jungkook has!! I'm super excited My excitement got cut off because someone yell

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I looked down at my left hand and saw the same exact tattoo Jungkook has!! I'm super excited
My excitement got cut off because someone yell

"Hi everyone!! "

"Layla!! " The girls shouted and hugged her apparently they know each other

"We finally meet" Layla said

"Sis who are they? " Jungkook mumbles

"You prick I'm older than you! "
She playfully hit him, we laughed until the bell fucking rings

"We'll see you guys in break! " After hoseok hyung says that we all went to our classes even the new kids which were guided by my sis and her friends


Heloowwww my readers!

This is as you can see a Jikook book, I love this book out of all my work because I made this all in my imagination even the soulmate things!

That's it for the chapter I'll be updating maybe...... 3/4 times a week!! But you gotta stay with me... It's gonna a get better I promise!!

I love you

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