chapter 19

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Sana POV

UHHH that b*tch is alive, why can't he just die!! So I could be with my Jungkookie, a perfect ending without Jimin being with him all the time!!

"Ahh I see that you're pissed"

"What the heck! Who are you!!" I screamed at the voice

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm _____ and I'm going to help you get Jungkook back, just on one condition" He says

I was very intrigued and nods


"Give Jimin to me, and I promise you and your precious little kookie will be together, and you won't ever see Jimin" Even though I would like to see the dead corps of Jimin I still agree at least I won't have to see him anymore

"How can I trust you? "

"Fine, here a paper and a pen, I will write a contract which both of us will sign, deal? " I think He got irritated by my question and started to write something.

After some moment he gave me the paper saying

"I've signed it, now it's your turn"

I grabbed the paper not wanting to read it but took a picture and signed it

"Here you go" As I give him back the paper he smirks

"Ah it's time for me to go Sana, see you on our next encounter" What a mysterious man... Eh- forget it

At the hospital

Author POV

The others went home, but the doctor says that Jimin needs to be in the hospital for some more time because he needs to have more cheek ups

And Jungkook decided to accompany his little Mochi, so he won't be all one and he'll still get to see the love is his life.

So now Jungkook and Jimin are cuddling of course they are very careful of Jimin's ankle, you might wonder, how do they for in those tiny bed? Well surprise, surprise, Jungkook ordered them a suite so the bed is bigger and since Jimin is smol they can fit together.

"Kookie, I'm scared" Jimin says while Jungkook plays with his hair

"Of what my little mochi? "

"What if this will happen again? I'm scared kook" Jimin almost cry

Jungkook wrapped him tighter in his arms and try to comfort him

"Everything is gonna be alright baby, I'm gonna protect you, I promise"

Those words made a smile to Jimin's face

"Thank you Kookie, I love you"

"I love you too my sweet little munchkin"

The rest of the night they cuddle it was a great time

The next day

"Alright Jimin you're free to go, just be careful! " The doctor warned Jimin

"I will, thank you! " Jimin says grabbing his crouches that he needs to help him walk.

Jungkook grabbed some food that they left the other day and also Their bags and help Jimin walk

Jin is the one who's gonna pick them up and drive them to Bella's apartment.

"Hey Jin hyung! " Jungkook says

"Here let me help you! " Jin says taking the bags and putting it in the back of the car, meanwhile Jungkook helped Jimin getting on the car and sits next to him

Time skip

"We're here! "

Jin opened the car door and helped Jimin get out while JK is already getting Jimin's bag and the food, he left his bag there

They walked in an took the elevator to get to the floor where Bella's apartment is at.

"Noona, I'm back!! " Jimin yelled for his Noona

"Oh Jimin, hi Jin oppa, Jungkookie" She replied and gestured them to come on inside

"Oh Noona, what's with the tattoo on your arm? " Jungkook asks

(So, I haven't told you this but for the Park's soul mate after they see their tattoo they can see the others it's like a special gift)

"Oh right, you can see them" After that she explained about her soulmate and the pain and also that she's already on level 4 and about their uncle, Jungkook stood there silently and hearing all of this makes his heart swell. The thought that if he didn't confess such sooner will get his love the same treatment as his sister really took a tool in his heart

"Noona! I didn't know! " Jungkook says and hugged Bella

"It's fine, I'm used to the pain"

"Okay, I don't understand at all" Jin complained

"I know that some of you can see buy JK? I didn't know that"

"It's a special gift hyung, but you won't get it cause your soulmate isn't a park" Jimin explained

"Ouhhhh, okay! " After that Jin receives a call telling him to go somewhere.

Which lead the three alone

"Noona, please go, don't care about the graduation, just please go" Jimin pleaded

"Actually, I booked a ticket there and Me, Nadine, and Lauren are going there next week" She showed them the ticket

Jimin hugged her

"Also, Jungkook-ssi you might wanna spend some time here next week, cause your sister rise coming with us and you can spend some time with my brother *wink wink* "

"Noona!!! " He blushes
"Aishhh!! "

They all laughed at the adorable maknae, in the end Jungkook decided to sleep at Jimin's so that night they both cuddle again.

The end of chapter 19

I'm tired
I wanna sleep
Gud nite/morning/afternoon

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