Chapter 25

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Author POV

Namjoon lead them to a hidden place inside the mansion there were so many different types of guns, arrows, swords, many more and also targets....

The place was really big and the guys went to pick up some weapons.

The weapons that they chose:

1. Namjoon - guns and arrows
2. Seokjin - arrows and fans
3. Yoongi - guns and daggers
4. Hoseok - daggers and fans (the pointy ones that can kill u)
5. Taehyung - guns and daggers
6. Jungkook - guns and arrows

"Alright let's practice shall we? " Hoseok says already throwing the dagger to the target

The boys smirked and after that gunshots were heard arrows taht slice through the air could be heard the kicking, punching, and many more was heard for hours

Until they're finally tired, so Namjoon called the maids to bring them some snacks and drinks

"Huff, that was some training" Yoongi says while Hoseok was wipping his (Yoongi) sweat

"Yeah, we haven't trained for a while so it must be tiring" Namjoon said

They passed out laying on the floor panting while constantly drinking some water before Jungkook says

"Alright, let's go back to practice"

The others nodded and went back to practice

Time skip to the day the planned out the plan to rescue Jimin

"I got it!! " Tae screamed while running to the others holding a giant piece of paper

"Alright Tae! You found the map of the house!! " Jungkook and Tae do their signature hand shake

"Okay so here's the plan, Yoongi and Hoseok are going to distract the guards while Jungkook, Tae and Jin go inside using the back door, while I'm going to be at the rooftoop looking out for back up or something else, got it? "
Namjoon explain and the rest nodded

"Suit up! " He commands, the boys followed his orders and suited up and go on with the plan

At Adam's base

"Alright let's go! " Namjoon whispered, they all got into their position, Slow couple are in front Namjoon is climbing to the rooftop and the rest are hiding in the bushes near the back door

After some time they could hear Hoseok screamed to get the guard's attention so the three of them moved and got in.

After looking or searching for guards they split up to find Jimin

Tae's POV

Me, Jungkook and Jin hyung split up, so taht we could find Jimin faster but I still need to keep my guard up, u don't know when the guards will attack.

I was searching and searching until I met a pair of shocked eyes, and it belongs to Jeon Jungkook.

He was looking inside one of the rooms so I decided to check it out what I see really surprised me, Jimin is cuddling with Adam, on a single couch watching a movie.

Seems like they didn't notice our presence because they haven't turn yet, we until Jungkook shouted

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU BASTARD" he yelled charging up at Adam and punching him, it all went to fast and now there's Jin hyung beside me, shocked as well

They were fighting I could see taht Jungkook has tears mixed with blood stains on his face while Adam only has blood

"Stop it!! " Jimin yelled, they stopped and Jimin ran into Adam' arm

"Baby are you okay? " He says which made me cringe

And Jungkook, he, he looks super broken he cried not thinking about his pride and just sob while mutterinh over rand over, 'this is all a dream', 'he still loves me'

Me and Jin decided to pick him up from the ground

"How dare you! I thought you wouldn't be so low Jimin! " I screamed at him only receiving a cold glare and a smirk

"We what if I'm taht low" He replied

Just as I was about to say something back at him, Namjoon spoke to out in ear piece

"Guys get out of the house now! "

"Oh shhit" Jin says me and Jin hyung carried Jungkook back to the van and drives off


Author POV

Adam was tired of Jimin crying and begging for his Kookie, but he didn't mind them until one day he has had enough

He forced Jimin  to drink a drug that was made, it was a love drug, and it change the drinkers orbs and hair, Jimin's used to be brown hair turned pink and his eyes turned purple

And he somehow fell for ADAM even though it's fake, Adam still accept it

-end of flashback-

Back to Namjoon's mansion

Author POV

The rest of them knew about the incident and decided to leave Jungkook alone they throw them self's to the couch, the couples were pairing leaving a confused alien alone

He than remember something

"Hyung! Last time I saw Jimin at Adam's base, his eyes were purple and his hair was pink! "

After what Tae says Namjoon was shocked

"No way... " He says

"What?!! " Tae shouts

"He's being controlled by a love drug, that's why he cuddled him, That BASTARD! "Namjoon yelled the last part a little to loud

" He's gonna get it now! " Jin says almost breaking one of the most expensive vase around

"But we need a cure... " Hoseok exclaimed

"I heard taht you can make the cure but it'll take months" Yoongi says

"Yea but, I know another way... It's to trap him inside a room with his old lover and his old love rwill tell stories of their lives before the drug thing and if their love is strong enough they'll manage to brake the connection" Namjoon explained

"That means now... We have to come up with a plan" Tae says throwing his hands up in the air before slumping down

The rest of the just sighed..

. The end of chapter 25

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