Chapter 18

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Author POV

It's the end if the school, they decided to go to the private garden that Namjoon owns, all 7 of them sat and talked about something anything,and some of them read a book, some couples just sat together and enjoy the view.

the girls joined them shortly after they practice

"Hey guys!! I see y'all forgive Kookie"

They all nod and continue what they're doing, Lauren decided to seat beside Tae she wants to confess her feelings today, if the other day Sope didn't told 5hem that they are a couple, she would've confess but she forgot about it right after the Sole couple rise.

Lauren's POV

OKAY LOREN CALM DOWN! Everything is gonna be alright breath
I said in my head while walking towards him, I know this might sound a bit crazy but, if I'm not his soulmate and we date that will be the end for our soulmates.

But of course I have a gut feeling that it's all gonna be alright, all of need to do is calm down. Anddddd before I knew it I just have to fall because of my shoelaces that's great.

After some seconds passed I realised I wasn't face down on the ground, someone is holding me, I opened my eyes and stare right into his beautiful orbs, Kim Taehyung is holding me!!! Gahhhhh
(Hyungieeeeeeeeeeeee I know ur bias is hobi, but like he's taken)

"Wow there, you almost fall, be careful next time" He said

"Oh, uhm I'm sorry" I quickly stand up

"Well? Let's sit and talk"

I nodded and say beside him

"Actually I want to say-"

"JIMIN!! " Jungkook's scream cut me off, what was happening?

A little while ago

Author POV

(That's the garden basically, Lauren and V are sitting far from the lake, I can't explain where, just like one of the little trees back there)

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(That's the garden basically, Lauren and V are sitting far from the lake, I can't explain where, just like one of the little trees back there)

The girls walked in but they separate, meanwhile The Jikook couple was sitting near the lake they were chatting about something

"Jungkookie, look at those flowers, isn't it beautiful?" Jimin ask, the younger didn't seem to be interested at the flower.

He was interested by the person who's sitting next to him.
"It is, but you are way more prettier than those flowers" The boy's words made the smaller blushes and chucks before playfully hitting Jungkook

Little did the know someone was watching them, somehow they got into the private garden

Sana POV

I managed to pass the security and enter the garden, of course that took me a lot of time and maybe some help form my friends
(Author: liesss it was not little those "friends" Literally did everything while u just stand there.
Sana: oh shut up! They don't need to know! No go, tell them the story
Author : demanding B*tch)

Alright back to my plan, oh I see Jimin is already standing next to the lake, I search for something until I found a rock.

I decided to throw it when Jimin stood up, which he surprisingly did after Jungkook says something, I throw the rock right on his ankle he yelp in pain and jumps around and before anyone realize he fell

Ahahahahaha I finally got you Jimin

Oof better run before they see me

Author POV

"JIMIN! " Jungkook yelled before taking of his shoes and socks and dive in, since Jimin isn't a good swimmer and now his leg is hurt , it's hard for him to get back up, and to make it worst Namjoon's family loves deep lakes

Back to present

Author POV

Everyone ran beside the lake and waited anxiously for Jungkook to be back with Jimin

After some time Jimin head popped up before Jungkook's, and Jungkook swam to the shore hurriedly

Unfortunately during those time some water manages to get into Jimin's lungs and Jungkook did a CPR on him, which works but he's still unconscious

"Call an ambulance hurry!!! " Jungkook yelled desperately, fortunately Bella already called an ambulance right after they got to the shore

After some more time the ambulance came and drove them to the hospital, Jungkook and Bella decided to get into the ambulance.

The hospital
After sine check ups cuz me don't know nothing bout that

"How's he doc? " Jin ask

"Overall he's fine, thank God that someone manage to get most of the water out if not hell die, but sadly his ankle is broken, something hard hit it and made it crack"
The doctor explain

"Can we see him doc"

"You may see him, and please do tell him not to put any weight on his ankle"
The doctor excuse herself to check in other patients.

Which led the others to go inside Jimin's hospital room

The first one to come in is Jungkook, "kookie? " Jimin ask

"I'm here My little mochi, and the others too" Jungkook gave him a kiss before pulling and giving him a view of everyone else

"Jimin! You scared me!! Don't ever do that again! " Tae yells wanting to cry

"Awhh, I'm sorry, all of you to make you guys worry"

"It's fine at least now you're okay" Hoseok says hugging him, the others joined in the group hug one by one

"Also thank you Kook-ah, without u I wouldn't be safe" Jimin smiles

Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead

"Do any of you know who did this?" Nadien ask

"No, I was busy reading books" Namjoon says

"I was listening to music with Hoseok" Yoongi says

"I was chatting with Tae" Lauren says

"And we were chatting" Nadine hesturr yo her and Bella

The room tensed up a bit before Jimin says

"Guys, guys it's fine, it's a mystery to be solved some other time" They agreed and Gabe a warm smile

That day everyone spend their time with Jimin

The end of chapter 18

Yellow everyone, did y'all miss meh?

I'm back!!! First of all! U might be wondering why I didn't update on Monday? Or tuesdY and so on, that cause I have a lot of plans and I made the draft on the paper I just forgot to write it here, so yeah



Thank youu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I love y'all!!!! Have a good night/day/afternoon!!!

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