Chapter 6: attraction

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Jungkook POV

It's the next day, I was very tired yesterday but at least I saw Jimin-hyung dance he moves so flawless and he's super flexible. I felt something weird yesterday when I saw him dancing but I shrugged it off


"Oh hey Tae! " I smiled hugging back Tae

"Stop shouting in the morning! " We both looked back seeing Yoongi hyung covering his ears

"Sorry hyung! " We laughed

"Morning you guys! " I hear Lauren Noona greets us I looked over already seeing Tae waving back

"Morning girls, hello Jimin, Namjoon, Seokjin" I greet them

"Where's hoseok? " Yoongi hyung ask

"Oh, he said he was sick so he couldn't come to school" Jimin explain, his voice I super shooting- wait stop Kook you are straight!

"Oh, uhm let's go to class" Jimin hyung shyly said as he walked to his class which is apparently also the class I was in

In class

Author POV

Jungkook and Jimin sat together on the middle row, at some point Jimin could stare at Jungkook, but sadly Jungkook was looking at someone else. Jimin noticed that and started to follow where he was looking

It was Lee Sana, her sister's ex-best friend what he knew is that Sana used her sister's kindness to get someone's boyfriend and she put the blame on Bella and Lauren. Because at that Time Bella is already close with Lauren.

Ever since Jimin hated that person, yes she is pretty and popular but under he mask she's a while other person, He started to make holes behind her back until Jungkook taps him

"Hyung~ do you know who she is? "

"Ha? Ouh, she's Lee Sana, one of the most popular Girl and my sister's ex-best friend" He rolled his eyes to the Pacific Ocean

"What? She looks like a kind girl"

Really? You must have seen what she does to my sister. Jimin thought in real life he just nods doesn't want to cause an argument

"Hyung, do you think I'll have a chance? "

"On what? "

"Dating Sana" Jimin's face fell, but he immediately put a fake smile and says

"I don't know, but I think you shouldn't"

"Hah? Hyung what do you-"

And the bell rings

"Sorry Kookie what? "

"Nothing let's just eat" He was mad, because his hyung doesn't support him but he has a lot other than Jimin right?....... Right?

Lunchhhhhhh (cuz I'm lazyyy)

"Hey guys, do you know Lee Sana? " Just by that word Lauren and Bella stiffened, they told the others except for the newcomers

Namjoon noticed that and decided to ask

"Why do you ask kook? "

"Well I think I grew an attraction to her" The girls stiffened and started to get uncomfortable as memories flood back they were in the edge of crying

"Stop! No more Sana! Can't you see what she has done? " Jimin yelled standing up Jungkook looked surprised

"Jimin, no. We didn't tell them and they don't need to know" Lauren finally said stopping Jimin from going any further

He nodded understanding the situation completely.

After a couple of minutes Seokjin and Nadine said that they have to go to class, yes they have acting class

Namjoon have some work to do, Tae and Lauren decided to practice. Bella got to meet up with Layla while Yoongi have some classes

"Kook, I'm sorry for yelling at you"

"No Hyung I guess I just didn't know huh? "

"Yeah" Jimin scratch the back of his neck

"But will you support me even if I dated her? " That sentence just by that His tattoo started to turn brown his heart shattered

"I-I of course I will, you're my friend, I'll always support you" He faked a smile

"Uhm, I have to go I don't feel so good can you tell the teachers that I need to go home? "

"What? Hyung I could drive you home than"

"No need I'll drive myself home, thank you Kookie see you tomorrow" With that he ran away.

When he got to his house he cried on his room feeling the pain both mentally and physically.

"I'm a fool to think that I won't get to stage 1,that you'll love me back before I got into stage one, I should have known.. " Jimin said to himself the rest of the day he spent crying and depressed eating, his sister won't even ask.

She knew this all to well

Chapter 6 complete

Yashhhh did it!!

I love this chapter almost cried making it but heh whatever

Also all fan arts are not mine! Credits goes to the owners

Anywaysss thanks for the reads love y'all

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