Chapter 33

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Author POV

"Kookieeee wake up!!!! " Jimin says well yelled exactly to his boyfriend which he is trying to wake but to no avail

He pouted and turn his back muttering some words a couple of minutes past and the boy is still sulking, well until he got surprised by a peck

"Morning baby, sorry I woke up late don't pout, now c'mon" He says walking to the bathroom started to get ready

"Hurry up chim! We gotta meet the hyungs in 2 hours! " The younger yelled startles Jimin before the other pouted again and stomped his way out of the room, grabbing his clothes and went to the second bathroom

After they finishes washing up Jungkook came up to his baby and wrapped his arm around his lovers waist

"Sorry chim, for teasing you" Slowly he pecked his forehead, nose, eyes, cheeks, and lastly his lips

"Hmm" Jimin hummed

"Let's go lovebirds or we'll be late! " They turn to Layla and ran outside to the car

Today, they're planning to tell the boys about what happened and also maybe ask them for help to not let history repeat itself all of again.

Time skip

Jimin POV

we all got to the cafe that we have especially reserved for today, it seems like the others has waited for us, hmph that was Jungkookie's fault, if he just have woken up and I won't be mad and sulked and we can get there early.

It seems like he read my mind why? Course now his clinging unto me and keep preparing kisses, I tried to shove him away, but he's to strong and to be honest this little action that he just did make my body feel limp under his touches, it felt great.

I think I was being to far from earth cause Jin is literally shouting at me

"Sorry hung! I didn't listen! "

"Haish... Anyways so what's with John? " Jin hyung asked

"Okay to make it simple, he is the reincarnation of Prince John hundreds of years ago, and me and Jimin are both reincarnation of Prince Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jimin, John from the past wrote a book that filled with twisted fate and were trying to get that book to the present John but he has to realize that Jimin is only mine to begin with"

Kookie explained fast and very understandable I'm actually proud

"Okay so, now what? " Tae asked

"How bout we give Jimin to him?" Jungkook says with a cold tone indicating that he's very sarcastic right now. I chuckled a bit before turning to my poker face

"Wait you're actually right Kook" Namjoon hyung says

"Sorry WHAT! " I exclaimed loud and clear

"Well not like exactly but just be friend with him and slowly make him realize the world you're living in, the world were Jeon and Park are together"

"That's actually not a bad idea, but how can I get close to him if this possessive bunny here won't even let me got somewhere  without him knowing where I was going  like Even the bathroom"

After saying that I looked to my right and saw him blushing at my statement which I found very cute.

"Butttt maybeee he'll do this, to fix this" I said to him pouting

"Uhhhh!! Fine!! " He finally said and I mentally screamed yes

"But I swear if he does something bad to my baby I'm gonna break his bones" He growled

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