Chapter 13

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Author POV

The others went to look for Jimin, meanwhile Jimin already walked into a place that they'll find out later

On their way (Jin is driving) apparently Nadine has notice the tattoo on Lauren, and Tae. She's dying to tell them but knows she can't so she came up with an idea (hoseoksmile- don't imagine this as yourself thank youuu)

"Heyyy my 1/3 hear meeeee!!! " Nadine whisper yelled in Lauren's ear

"What?! " She says irritated

"Why don't u, uhm... U know... Ask Him out or something?.. " Nadine wiggled her eyebrows

Meanwhile Hoseok was just talking to Tae until Tae says

"Hyung, I know this is a bad time... But what if I ask Lauren Out? "

Hoseok mentally slaps the younger and thank the God for giving Tae some shit into his brain

"Go on!!! I'll be your cheerleader!! " He smiles

"Hyung..... !!! " Taehyung whine

They both ended the conversation with a fit of laughter

A few moments Later

The boys and girls were getting out and started searching for Jimin, but while walking Both Lauren and Nadine notice the same tattoo on Hoseok and Yoongi's arm, which are very visible and noticubke because they're literally walking next to each other

So Lauren dreams Hoseok while Nadine dragged Yoongi

Nadine POV

"KID, what are you doing? " I hear Yoongi oppa whine because either basically dragged him out

"I just want to know... What's happening between you and Hoseok Oppa? You both seems super into each other lately" By the mention of Hosoek's name

Yoongi oppa started to blush and I squealed inside Liam dying rn, my ship is sailingggggg

"I- uhm... Promise not to tell anyone ok? "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! "

"Well,, I kinda asked him out a couple of days before and he says yes, so we're dating right now! "

"What?!!! "

"Shsssss" Yoongi shushed me when I freaked out and the other gave me a questioning look

"How though? "



Yoongi POV

Come on man up Yoongi, just ask him, out lest go, it'll be fine...

When I see Hoseok I almost scream
Nope nope back out

"Hey Yoongi! " Welp Lord help me

"Hi, Hoseok-ah"

"Do you have some time? I need to tell you something"

"Sure" He held my wrist which by the way made me feel butterflies in my stomach and dragged me into the rooftop

That's when I know I need to tell him my feelings before it's to late, so after we stop I immediately says

"Hoseok I like you! Heck maybe I even Love you! So will you be my boyfriend?" After realising what I said I looked down

When I don't get a reply I say

"It ok if you don't -" My words were cut when he kissed me, Jung FUCKING Hoseok just kisses me

We kissed for some time until we released for some oxygen

"Hyung, I like you too and yes I will be your boyfriend" He smiles

We stood there until I saw something shining on the back of his neck ( I forgot where the tattoo was, so let's pretend it's in the back of his neck and Yoongi's is on the back of his palm)

"Hoseok what is that? "
He was also surprised as I am and when I look at it again I can see a tattoo... But then there was something shining on the back if my palm, it's the same tattoo!

"Hyung, what is this? I-"

"Calm down we can get an explanation just wait "

End of flashback

Author POV

Right after Yoongi told his story Nadine decides to tell him the truth behind the tattoo

"Oppa, the tattoo means that you guys are soulmates and that only appears when you both are officially together, but Me, Jimin, Bella and Lauren and Now Taehyung can see it"

"But how? "

"It's a long story... "

"Just tell me... "

So Nadine decides to tell him everything including the part about the curse and Jungkook being Jimin's soulmate

"That son of a bitch! "

"Oppa! Calm down, he doesn't know... So just calm down well tell him when it's time"

Right when Yoongi calms down Hoseok and Lauren came, and Hosted immediately attack Yoongi with hugs and kisses which the girls both awwed

After that they all started to search for Jimin, again...

The end of Chapter 13

Hellow guysss

2 more days before out beloved Jungkook's birthdayyyy

Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!! ;

Live yalll

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