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It's been a year since Jungkook propose to Jimin and it's been a couple of months since they planned their wedding, they decided to have their wedding on the 25th of December, yes y'all it's Christmas!! They think that because it's already winter and because it's going to be easy remembering your own wedding anniversary on Christmas wow...

So, anyways let's see what the two grooms are feeling a couple of days before their wedding


The one who proposed was very, very anxious and nervous, okay man just u know he gonna say I do on the altar just stay calm        -author

"Hyung, I miss him" He told Jin Hyung for the nth time, I can imagine his face

"I know, just-just"

"Jinnie calm down, kook it's still two days before you meet him and when you meet him he will already be Jeon Jimin, so calm down and also shut up before Jin screamed and throw things to you" Luckily Namjoon came right before Jin exploded and made Jungkook shut up

So, firstly let author explain why that bunny misses Jimin so much, because apparently before they get married they shall not see each other for one week or their future housed would be a mess, and of course right before they separated they cling unto each other especially that giant bunny man


"Hey baby" Jungkook said, it was the afternoon he just got back from work, he is the CEO of the Jeon company in Seoul and Layla is the CEO of the Jeon company in America, While Jimin works as a dance teacher on Monday until Friday, from 10 until 12, and continuing from 3 until 6, Jungkook usually got back home at 8 in the evening.

"Hey, I just made dinner wash up and come down to eat" They now lived in Jimin's house since Bella moved out, she became the CEO of her own company with the help of his new boyfriend Taehyun.

After a while Jungkook came down stairs with his casual clothes and found Jimin sitting preparing their food
"Hey Mochi, this looks good, thank you"

They started eating a making up some small talks until Jimin mentioned
"Kook, you know that in 3 days they're going to separate us right? "

"I totally forgot, but u don't want toooooooooo" He whined like a child
"We have to, or it will bring us bad luck, you have to pack up for a week Kay? And after that we can meet each other at the altar" Jimin explained kissing Kook's temple. After some hard talking to a baby Kook finally agreed

Time skip

For the last three days the both of them have been very clingy they even stopped their work to have some time together talk about the cheesiest couple, anyways today is the day where Jin and Namjoon are both going to pull Kook out of his house

"No! No! No!!! " He says grabbing unto the handle very tightly
"Stop it!! " Jin says

"Kook, if you do this I'm going to cancel your wedding" Yoongi says, he's also helping the Nam Jin couple, and with that sentence kook let go and they manage to drive him to Jin's house which he shares with Namjoon

Back to present time

Now lemme get Jimin on the page



"What? "

"Don't give me that attitude"

"Sorry, it's just that you've been annoying me just because you can't see that bunny bit of yours just wait, two more days TWO! "

"ALRIGHT! sorry Tae, it's just I miss him so much we're not even allowed to phone call until the last night ughhh" Jimin screamed frustrated he went to the kitchen and take out a gallon of ice cream sat back down on the couch and eat it

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