Chapter 30

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Author POV

It was the next day some of them went to school, that some of them are the maknaes VMINKOOK, (okay if ur wondering I edited this so that the three of them are in sophomore year, not freshman, also their in college... In this book collage has the same years as high school)

They were greeted by their friends and also fans, because well their talented, handsome, etc

When they got inside the school the teacher immediately dragged them to the principal's office, they sat and waited for the principal to talk.

"Why did you guys not come to school these past month? Please do explain I need to hear everything, also! Jimin and Jungkook, you were supposed to perform your dance routine for the graduation ceremony which both of your sister didn't came! "

"Okay sir, morning, anyways the reason we didn't come to school is because there were a lot of things happening" Jungkook says


"First Jimin got kidnapped, poisoned, Yoongi got shoted, went to the hospital, still there btw, oh and someone went to jail, not us, Adam" Tae continues while Jimin was just sitting there  playing with his fingers

"Oh... Uhm... Sorry to hear that, but what about your sisters?"

This time Jimin spoke up
"They have an issue that needs them to go for a couple of months to an island, but they have given their work and projects on time, an d their grades are great so they graduated, the issue is private we cannot tell you"

"Fine.... But! I want you three to make a new routine in two weeks and perform them at the school's party understand? "

"Yes sir" They answered

"Now you may go to your classes oh also, here's your new timetable for the year, good luck on sophomore year! "

"Guys, what's your first period? " Tae ask when they got out of the principal's office

"I got dancing for two hours, and after taht is break, after break I have two hours of art, and after that lunch, and lastly singing for two hours and! Composing lessons" Jungkook says

"I got two hours of dance like Kookie, after taht break, I got singing for two hours, lunch, biology one hour, lettering one hour and an additional class for ballet" Jimin says

"Oh well, I got two hours dance, break, photography two hours, lunch, singing two hours, and lastly fashion design" Tae says

"Okay so first lesson dancing, let's get dit" Jungkook says running for those the dance studio while the other two was trying to catch up to the speeding bunny

Dance studio

"Good morning class" The teacher greeted

"I'm the new teacher for dance, because the old one retired, me name is Lim Jaeni, I am 21 years old and I work under BigHit and now I want to know all of you so please introduce yourself" The teacher says, one by one the student introduced themselves

When  it is Jungkook's turn it looks like Jaeni was looking at him intensely and Jungkook knew taht so he planes to confront the teacher

After a while they were told to take a break so Jungkook we t to Ms. Lim's desk

"Good morning Ms, I saw you looking at me when I introduce myself and also when we were practicing that made me uncomfortable so please stop, also I have a wonderful, charming, and cute boyfriend, that will also make him uncomfortable so now I ask you to too before I do something worse" Jungkook lowered his tone at the end of the sentence
Jaeni was surprised she every angry she even broke a pen she was holding

He went back and back hug Jimin, to say the boy was not surprised was a quite lie, he's very surprised, because his boyfriend rarely do such things to school accept for holding hands and give a cute peck here and there

"What's wrong? " He asked

"Nothing, just missed you warmth" He snuggles into Jimin's neck sniffing his smell, even though they just danced but he still smells amazing

"No PDA Mr Jeon, Mr. P A R K" Jaeni says breaking the both apart

"I think she hates me" Jimin joked they both laughed at it, before Jaeni called a of them back to practice the routine once again

Break time

They were sitting at the garden with Got7 because only the maknaes are there so they decided to join them

"Hey guys, long time no see, y'all grew taller" Bam bam says

"Thanks" They answers simply

"Anyways I heard a romour that Sana and Seong ji actually moved away because of some private issues" Younjae says

"Really? That's great" Jungkook exclaimed feeling happy no more Sana clinging unto him

"But I also heard that.... A new transfer came and it was said taht he is the long lost prince" He continues

"And the prince has an eye for Jimin" Yugyeom says

"What?!! That's sad because Jimin I. S  M. I. N. E! " Jungkook growled possessively

"You put that message loud and clear" They joked

But little do they know that someone was hearing everything

Chapter 30 finished

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