Chapter 5: Worry

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Ending of chapter 4:

"Omg! Bel!! " Della ran up to hug her she can't see but she knows and she can feel the tattoo, her family has a special power to feel something that other can't feel/touch

"Tell us everything" Nadine said actually demand

Chapter 5:

Author POV

"It's done, stage 3 finally completely, he did it, he actually did it" Bella started crying thinking of the pain

"Bel... I feel it! " Della cried while Lauren sat beside her best friend crying softly and Nadine renting angry

"I'm home!- omg sis! What happened? " Jimin came back before he shouts and ran to his sister looking at her arm he realized it

His sister is in pain.

"Wha-what are you going to do about it? " He stutters

"I guess I'm moving.. " She said calmly

"When? Tell me when! " Jimin shouts angry, frustrated and sad

"After you have your happy ending, I promise that I will remove the pain but after you found it, please at least let me see your happiness" She begged she knew her brother wouldn't let her do that, and He knew his sister wanted him to be happy

"Okay, but after that you're going! "

"I will Jimin"

"And she's not alone, I'm going to come with her" Della said

"I'm her best friend I will always support and help her, even if that means leaving my love life" Lauren stated she wanted to know that her bestie is feeling better

That knew each other since Middle school if one of them is sick and doesn't show up at school, the other will rant about missing the other one (A/N: LAUREN didn't come to school, I rant about missing her.... Even one of my friends said we were inseparable. But I mean it's kinds true.... Lauren if ur reading this I wuv u!! ❤💜❤💜❤💜)

"I'll have to ask Yeonjun but I think he will let me, it's my bestie we're talking about anyway! "

DiNg DoNg~

"I'll get it, I'm going to go anyways" Della said

"Hi? Is Jimin here? "

"Jimin! Someone's looking for you! "

"Coming! "

"Bye Della Noona!! Hey Jungkook"


"What brings you here? " Jimin is completely flustered and confused

"Dance? "

"Oh yeah, uhm let's go to the dance studio"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to get ready! " He said flashing his bunny smile

"Noona! I'm going out! See you later!! "

"Don't come him late! "

"Yeah, bye!! " He waved while his sister and the others smiled

Time skip
Jimin POV

we arrived to the dance studio, there they found others practicing, but Fortunately they found a spot where they could dance

"Jiminieeeeeeeeee!! "

"Taeeeeeeeee! "

"Oh hi Jungkook! " Tae said after hugging me

"Hey Hyung! Aren't your partner Lauren Noona? " The younger said

"Yeah, I've texted her but she said she couldn't come because of an emergency" I immediately remember my sister

"Oh, I think I saw her at Jimin's house" Oh no... He's gonna ask and I'm gonna have to answer

"Oh? Jimin what was she doing there? " Tae looks at me wanting an answer


"Hyung, I saw her hugging Bella Noona, something must have happened" No kookie, don't

"Eoh? Jimin what's wrong? Tell me Chim! "

"I-i it's  my sister's problem I have no right to say in that, I'm sorry Tae... " I looked down doesn't want to look at Tae's face knowing he would get hurt

"Well okay then... Uhm thanks Jimin and please don't hung your head low, I'm not mad or hurt I'm sorry for yelling I'm just worried that something has happened to my partner" He patted my back
I looked up seeing his body smile and I returned the smile


"Damn it kook, you almost gave me a heart attack"

"Well sorry cause you're ignoring me! " He pouted I chuckled before answering

"Sorry, let's practice shall we? "

He nodded and he started to show me the moves he made and I showed him my moves

At the end my decided to combine both moves of course cutting a couple of parts

"Huf! I'm tireeeeeed"

"Well today's done, you can rest!" I chuckled seeing his face

"Hehe.... See you tomorrow Jimin"

"Hyung! Jimin Hyung, I'm freaking older you brat!" I yelled which he only laughed it off

"Yeah, yeah bye Jimin!! "

"Bye Kookie!! "

Chapter 5 complete!

Y'all I did it!! I did my presentation

(It's about RM)


ALSO hoseoksmile- go to school, I miss u!!!!! ❤❤❤❤

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