Chapter 8: Soulmate?

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Edit: Soo I just realized this is supposed to be chapter 8! Guys no problem y'all don't need to search for chapter 8 cuz this is chapter 8, I'm sooo sorryyy the story is the same so yeah

author POV

Jimin finally came to school, after a whole week he decided to go back to school. reason number 1 is that he has friends, reason number 2 is that he got works and lastly he wanted to see his soulmate even though he knew what pain causes him

"Chim! You're finally back! " Tae said hugging him

"Hey Tae! " He smiled, even though he's still weak he managed to hug him back

"Oh yeah, I have something to tell you after school!! "

"Sure chim! " Before they can continue talking Layla interrupts them

"Hey you guysss, it's been a week since I've seen you all! "

"Layla Noona, what were you doing? "

"Oh, I got a call from my cousin saying she needed me to help her with her wedding" She beamed

Moments later the bell rings indicating that they need to go to class, Layla has instrument class on her first period while Tae and Jimin got dance

Dance studio

"Hyungggggg" Jk whined

"Where were youuu I missed you!! " He continues while pouting

Jimin chuckled before ruffling his hair

"I was really sick, and I didn't want to get you sick so I stayed home! " He gave his eye smile but deep down he's feeling pain

Time skip to lunch
Basically Jimin and Jungkook practice for the dance

"Hey chim, missed ya! " Namjoon said

"Miss you too hyung! "

All the others came and greets Jimin

"Oi! Kook why are you spacing out? " Yoongi ask him

"Huh? Ouh I-" He blushes Jimin instantly felt pain and knew where he was looking

"Guys, I need to go my next class is gonna start, Noona c'mon" Jimin stands up followed by Nadine to their class

Jimin's next period

"Jimin, I know it's growing, the pain I mean" Nadine said calmly

"Yea, it hurts ya know"

"But, you do know that you have it very slow? " She ask making the younger confused

(Just to be clear their classes are the same cause they have the same category that only little part of the student picks which is Biology so the school decided to combine all of their classes)

"What do you mean? "

"Your sister by now probably already has 1/5 of the pain while you're only 1/10 "

"What does that mean? "

"It means that deep down he truly loves you, you just need to make his love go from the bottom of his heart to the entire heart" He smiled knowing about that and right after he was about to say something the teacher came in

Time skip to after school (again your author is a lazy ass)

"Hey guys do you want to go to the amusement park this weekend? " Suggest Hoseok

Jimin who was standing right behind him notices a tattoo behind his earlobe he wanted to tell him but got cut off by a girl's voice

"Guysss what are you talking about? " The one and only Lee Sana appears with her friend seong ji

"We were talking about going to the amusement park this weekend" Jungkook shyly said

"Can we come?! " Seong- ji exclaimed the boys except Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin nods

"Hyungs and Noonas me and Bella Noona needs to go home, sorry we'll talk about this later" Jimin exclaimed looking at his sister, Bella nodded and followed him after saying goodbyes

Jimin POV

"We made it home, finally" I mumbled holding unto my pain

"Bro, I think Nadoen already told you this but.. I had it faster the tattoo I mean, by 1 month I'm already a half but I'm guessing by a month you'll only have 1/5 of it" She smiled weakly the spines has spread throughout her arm

"Noona, I, you should go treat your tattoo please Noona! " He pleaded

"No chim, I'm watching you have your happy ending and that's finale! " She got up

"You should confront him one day you know" He said

"I know, and when that time comes I know you'll have a great future Chim" She smile walking to her room

Jimin smiled one part of him felt guilty because his sister wanted to see his happy ending before she left to get her tattoo treated but the other part felt happy because he knows how much she cared for her

-back at school right after the Parks left-

"Sooo what's up with them? " Sana ask

Lauren immediately spoke up

"They have work and we do to, so I suggest that we all get going home now it's pretty late" She faked a smile

"Oh Lauren didn't see you there"

'Yeah I thought so bitch' her inner thoughts say but she just gave a smile a smirk to be exact she already planned something

"Hobi and Yoongi can you both come with me? It's a group project remember? " She winked at hoseok and he catches it almost immediately

"Yeah c'mon yoongi" He grabbed his arm and basically dragged him

While standing up Lauren 'accidentally ' bumped nadine

"Namjoon, Jin let's go! You too Jungkook! "

They stand up and followed her because she's giving them the 'if you don't come this instant I'm going to make your life a living hell'

"Guys I'mma follow Lauren" Tae said before following Lauren , but someone stopped him

"Why Tae? " Seong ji asked? Pulling him back whi1 giving a glare at Lauren

Lauren rolled her eye and say

"Ummm maybe because he wants to go? So let go before I pull you " The girl let go of Tae's wrist

(Tae doesn't know about the Tattoo yet)

Sana POV

"Huh! Bitch she thinks she can just get away after pulling my boyfriend out of my touches! "

"Seong ji stop! I already have a plan for those bitches"

"Ouhhhh what is it Sana? "

"We're going to-"

Chapter 8 complete


Sorry bout that buy I got no idea left so yeah

And I didn't post this earlier cause I have a lot of work from school! So sorryyy

Also guys I just saw the movie like 3 days ago, and y'all know what.. I cried so much I cant- also my friend cried I saw her hugged her and cried to...

If you want to see me cry or see my ugly face follow me on ig : my account is @snow_heart.bella

Note: Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote!! Love y'all!!

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