Namjoon's bday special chpt

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A/N: this chapter will talk aboutttt THE NAMJIN COUPLEEEE (like their back story or shit) enjoyyy

P. S happy birthday to our precious leader
Also this chapter is going to be Author POV only

It was 2 days before Namjoon's birthday and yes they already found Jimin, but he's kinda happy now, after the 'incident 😏' and no, Jimin hasn't told anyone yet.

Okay so back to Namjoon, Jin was crushing on Namjoon (don't we all) but the thing is, he never confess and not going to anytime soon, but welp, what will happen?

At school

"Ya, Yoongi! I need your help! And call the others please! " Jin entered their class

"Wish hyung! It's still morning! I'm lazy! " Yoongi streched his arms lazily

"Ya MIND YOONGI! YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS HERE AND CALL THEM BEFORE I DO! " Yoongi immediately stand up and started to search for the others except Jungkook and the birthday boy Kim Namjoon. Jungkook wasn't invited because they are still on bad terms.

Yoongi also didn't call the girls because the girls said that they have a performance to do for their school's party and now they are practicing

(I'll tell. Y'all about that on the next chapter which will be published tomorrow night)

Time skip

Everybody actually decided to skip school and went to Jin's house to help him with the plan

"Hyung? What are we going to do? Surprise I mean? "
Taehyung ask while playing in his phone apparently texting someone.

"Well, let's do it near the sea, he loves calm and peaceful environment and he loves crabs so why not? " Jin suggested

The others agrees and they began planning for the day

So basically Jimin and Yoongi are going to distract Namjoon until 4pm which they will drive to the sea. Meanwhile the others prepare the tents and decorations for his birthday.

And Jimin text his sister to let her know

And Jimin text his sister to let her know

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After all that they went back home

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After all that they went back home

The day

It was the day and they all followed the plan, now let's see what Namjoon and the other two are doing

"Hyungs! Let's go to a cafe!"

"yea sure" Yoongi replied casually while Namjoon just nods

They went to the cafe and just talk while drinking what they ordered

Now on Seokjin's side

"Hyung when are you going to confess? " Hoseok ask

Seokjin was shocked and stopped what he was doing before answering

"I don't know, I just- ah never mind"

"hyung! You should confess to day! I'm pretty sure you both are ment to be together" Tae says he saw the tattoo and wants the both of them to be together

Seokjin thinks for a moment before saying

"Fine, fine! I'll do it today! "

They both jumped happily while the Seokjin just laughed at their childish behavior

Time skip

"Namjoon ah! Let's go to the beach I want to go swimming in the sea"

"What? You barely do some workouts"
Namjoon says which results him getting hit in the arm

Jimin laughs before saying

"Let's go to the beach I'll text my sister to pick us up"

A couple of minute later

"So, my sis is coming and she says that the girls will also come"

After some minutes a car pulled up on the driveway and honked at them they hurries up and went into the car

"Hey bro, hey Namjoon and Yoongi, happy birthday btw Namjoon" Bella says before driving

At the beach

They reached the beach and there the girls ran towards the tents followed by the other two while Namjoon was left confused, but he still walks calmly there

When he got there he was met by beautiful lights and his closest friend shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! "


they all hugged each other and they has a blast, but then Seokjin dragged him out and says

"Uhm well Namjoon i- Ilikeyouokaysincewefirstmetandistilldo! " He raps which still got into Namjoon's brain easily

"Aww hyung, I like you too! And honestly I've been keeping this but? Will you be my boyfriend? "

A minute passed before Namjoon spoke

"Ah, right is it to fast? -" He was cut off by something soft planted on his lips, he kisses back after a while the pulled and saw the others clapping

"Congratulations! " The shouted

It was the best night but still, Jimin's mind is somewhere else...

The end of the special Chapter

Okay this is kinda late but...
I have a reasonable excuse,

So I was planning to make yesterday and published it the next morning but! Ya gurl got a presentation to do, so.. Yeah

I got back home at 4pm WIB and I immediately changed and cooked for dinner and then I washed up it was like 6pm and I realized
I have : 1. A freaking report that's due tmrw an done teacher just gave us the task today.
2. I have some homework so and those are Maths and physics
3. My deadass group just informed something I should do... I'm so done

So yeah, and now I'm irritated and very Very VEry VERy VERY tired right now...

So good night I love y'all


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