Chapter 11

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Jungkook POV

It's been a couple of days after what Tae - hyung told me, somehow it really hurts my feelings but I tend to shrugged it off like it was nothing.

I have the first period which is dancing, and I hate it! Well before the amusement park incident I love it, but now I just hate it Jimin hyung he's so annoying I can't stand him. ! And now some of my hyungs are avoiding me

Author POV

"Hey Kookie!! " Jimin smiled, he made a promise before after telling Tae about the whole tattoo thing


Jimin POV

After me and Tae were done chatting I went back home, when I got home I feel, my heart and my arm was hurting me so much, I cried from the pain.

Good thing my sister isn't home yet, or shell kick the ass of Jeon Jungkook.

I managed to walk to my room, when then a note fell from my bag it reads

Hey Jimin,

Ok, soooo firstly you won't know who I am a and no! I'm not a stalker. I'm giving you this to tell you to not give up on Jungkook

Sana, I overheard her conversation with seong ji, and what they will do is pretty bad, I just felt like to warn you.

And if you're wondering how do. I know are you the park Jimin is beacuseeee I followed her anddd she kinda pointed at you and Jungkook talking about the plan, so yeah.

Good luck! And don't hesitate to text me or call me! My number is 07x-xxxx-xxx9

On of the GOT7 members

I was surprised but something inside me is telling me that it's the truth and I made a promise to myself that I won't give up and I'll fight till the end

Flashback ends

Author POV

"Hyung, I'm sorry for yesterday" Jungkook said we don't know if he's lying or not buy Jimin is still flattered

"Oh, it's okay it's fine I'm fine, let's just practice" Jimin congratulate himself for not stuttering

After that they both dance, they will perform next week on the school's 30th anniversary (speaking of which my school is around 160/161 yo, okay now go back)

Time skip

At lunch

The seven boys sat down together, while the girls are in the other table. You might wonder how did they even manage to say together right? Well Jimin actually begged them to sit with him and Jungkook. And Yes they all know

They ate in silence the hyungs are still keeping distance from the youngest while the said boy doesn't really care, he looks at the other table where Sana is sitting with her group of friends.

Again, why not tell him? Because if they do tell him the universe will go upside down, Fate already decided that they have to wait and unfortunately they have to follow it before something bad really happens.

Just by seeing how the other looks at the girl, Jimin felt a sting in his arm he looked down to see the tattoo growing much larger that's before of course it hurts like hell, so he decided to excuse himself to the bathroom and text Bambam

Just by seeing how the other looks at the girl, Jimin felt a sting in his arm he looked down to see the tattoo growing much larger that's before of course it hurts like hell, so he decided to excuse himself to the bathroom and text Bambam

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 Jimin took a breath before going out of the bathroom, right after the bell rings

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Jimin took a breath before going out of the bathroom, right after the bell rings.

End of school

Jimin POV

Bambam told me to wait at the garden, because she's going to give me something

"Hyung, you're Jimin hyung right? "

"Yeas and you're Bambam? "

"Yes, I am. Here I'm giving you these"

"What are those stuff" I opened the box that reveals notes a camera, a walkie talkie and a recorder

"It's like a proof, so basically if anything is suspicious just record it, or take a picture. If you're in an emergency just talk to me with the walkie talkie"

"But doesn't that just make me look weird? "

"Nope, it actually helps because they won't suspect anything trust me, those girls are dumb"

"Thank you Bam, it's really kind of you to help" I give him a sincere smile which he returned gladly

For the rest of the day we just talked until it's dark and we got kicked out of the school garden

"See you tomorrow hyung! " Bambam said

"See you! "

At least this day is slightly better

End of chapter 11

Okay I'm tired like really tired, I have a lot to do, i just can't, my  eyes are heavy so if I have some mistakes please understand

This week has been really though like really 4 days of test like wth? And the next week literally from monday-friday I have tests like... Give us a breakkk

Anyways hope y'all like it and see you next chapter!! Love y'all 💜💜💖💜💖💜💖

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