Chapter 12

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A/N: okay sooo this chapter is pretty much will anger you , I'm sorry!!!!

Author POV

It was the next day, Jimin felt better he was in a happy mood until....

He saw Jungkook and Sana kissing on the lockers, he was shocked but manage to pull himself back up and run, he ran, and ran, nowhere to go, until he stops at the park. The park Is not very lonely there have kids playing around, parents watching them, and couples holding hands.

He decided to sit at one of the benches and skip school for the rest of the day. He'll get bored and lonely but what makes it worst is that, The tattoo hurts it's already more than a half because of what he saw. ...

'Jungkook is probably happy now, he get to have his crush even though he doesn't know anything..' Jimin thought before he started crying again

But how did the other two ended up kissing?


Shitty Jungkook (for now) POV

I was walking to school until I saw Sana, she approaches me and say

"hey, Jungkook. Ummm... How do I say this well... I've got an eye for you for some times now"

I was shocked, and looked at her confused?

"If you do... Why would you flirt with Jimin hyung? "

"Ah... That, he forced me, because he says that he likes me and doesn't want you to have me even though I declined, but now it's all good, he's gone. But I'm still scared Kookie... " She says some part of me says not to believe her but the other choose to, you know I choose the other later one

(A/N: okay first of alllll bitch you're the one who flirts with him and second Jeon Jungkook choose the goddamn first one idiot you piece of sh*t...

Okay I'm done and I'm sorry continue reading..)

I watch her and says

"Well now, you're mine"

I see Jimin walks here I quickly grabs her waist and kiss her, which she responded.... Ok kay first it's kinda gross I hate kissing her but I mean she's my gf..

I see Jimin ran, I feel proud I think? I kinda feel pain in my heart because either saw tears brimming in his eyes..

We pulled and she hugged me, we walked to class together

End of flashback

A/N: so... After Jimin ran and the class starts their friends are worried so yeah enjoy!!!

Author POV

"Kook ah, where's Jimin? " Jin said

"I don't know, haven't seen him" The said boy lied , he did saw him

"You should ask his sister" He continues

"Oh yeah, where is she-"

"BOO!! " Bella startles Jin and Hoseok

"Hahahaha😂😂😂😂" The others laughed at them

"Yah! I almost lost my hearts you dumbasses"

"Sorry Jin oppa, where you asking something before I scared you? "

"Oh yeah, did Jimin came to school? " Jin said

"Yea he did, earlier than me actually, why? "

"He's missing" Yoongi now spoken up

"What? !!! " The sister shout

"Wow... Calm down... " Lauren said calming the girl

"So, are we gonna a skip school or what? " Tae ask he's ready to skip school to find his friend

"C'mon!! " Nadine excitedly says before running out of the school yard

"Hyung, do we really have to do this? I mean he's all grown up why do we need to find him? " Jungkook whined

"And I already promised my girl that I'll go help her" The statement shocked all of them it was silent before they heard a loud slam

"YOU! YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE JIMIN RAN AWAY! SON OF A BITCH! do you know? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH JIMIN HAS ENDURE?!!! YOU DON'T, YOU DON'T! you always look through Sana's point of view, never in Jimin's! "

"Wow Tae, calm down, breathe" Lauren manage to made him calm down before they were asked by Jungkook's question


"you really are a bitch Jungkook" With what Yoongi said they all went out

Jungkook was frozen before he was hugged by the evil witch
Before a guy bumped him

"You messed up my man, and I'm so glad that you're not my soulmate"

"Bam let's go" His friend says before they ran of leaving Jungkook confused

He himself was pained by what he said about his hyung, he wanted to cry so bad. He ripped of Sana's arm and ran, to his apartment. There he cried, and cried the hyungs gave up on him when he said those harsh full words, how he imagined being comforted by Jimin, but the thought itself bring fresh tears that stained his whole body

"I'm sorry" He manage to croak up those words

Before he falls to slumber thinking about his bubbly hyung

End of chapter 12


Another chapter
I love this chapter by far but ofc give me your opinionsss

Okay, so the next chapter will be the side ships okay? Sope, Namjin, Tae and Lauren

Will riseeeeee

Anyways I live you guys, stay strong and believe in yourself love y'all bye-bye 💖💖💖💖

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