Chapter 15

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A/N: this chapter will have a lot more stories about Jungkook, but we still have some Jikook moments hereee

Author POV

It's after school and Jungkook was hanging out with Got7, apparently that's what the group was called.

"So, do you really like Jimin? " One of them asks

"Yes, Jackson" Bambam replied sarcastically to the guy who was named Jackson

"Yah! " He got up and was ready to punch the younger

But they were stopped by a slam

"Stop! We need a plan to get my Jimin back! " Yelled Jungkook

The others nodded and sat down properly, they were thinking of an idea until Mark says

"I have one! Jungkook, you said that you broke his heart, than why not fixed it" The others looked interested

"But how? " Kook ask

"Show him that you cared by small things or even big things, oh and if you really like him, tell him your feelings, cuz we all know he likes you" He continues

"I- that's a great idea!" Jungkook jumped and hugged Mark

" But what about Sana? We know she's up to no good, that bitch is a witch shell do everything to get something she wants" Jaebum says while making some punches as if he was punching the girl

"We need to know her plans, and nope were not using me! I broke Jimin's heart to much I'm not letting it broke more"

"Hmm.... Well we could use Seong ji" Yugyeom snaps his fingers

"Eh? That girl loves Taehyung" Young Jae says

"Yeah I know, but she's kinda dumb and we could use her" Yugyeom says again

The other nods in agreement
They evening went by fast and now they were at their houses

Jungkook POV

I'M back at home, I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin and about the soulmate thing, I asked Bambam but he says that he couldn't tell me until it was the right time.

So I gave up and decided to make a move on Jimin, I really hope he forgives me

The next day

Author POV
Today Jungkook women up a bit earlier than  usual, which resolve him being in a classroom all alone, but that'll change so on because someone just came and that person  is Jimin.

Jimin saw Jungkook and immediately walks out of the classroom which the younger. followed him

"Hyung! Wait! " The younger ran until he caught Jimin's wrist

"I told you to wait hyung" He whined

"Jungkook, let me go! " Jungkook frowns his hyung didn't call him Kookie, but what has he expected? He broke the smaller's heart to pieces

"Just listen to me, please" He begged until the older nods, he smiled ever so big before pulling them to the Garden

"What do you want to talk about? " Jimin asks

"Well first, I want to say sorry, for everything I realize that the choices that I made was wrong, for trusting Sana, sorry for breaking your heart, but I want you to know that I also felt pain whenever I see you smiling because of someone that wasn't me, and that anger I chose to let it all out on you, I was confused but know I know that I like you hyung, I really do. You don't need to accept my feelings but please forgive me! Let's be friends again! " Jungkook poured his heart out crying

The older was stunned, his soulmate was right there crying, pouring his heart out, and telling him he likes him

"I- Kookie, look at me" He smoked softly before lifting the younger chin

"You- you called me Kookie! " For sure he was happy, his hyung just called him his nickname

"Yes, yes I did now stop crying okay? I forgive you" Jimin says

They both stared onto each other's eyes before slowly moving forward inch by inch closing their eyes letting their heart take over

Until, their lips met, it was like the whole world stopped just for the both of them, they both shared a passionate kiss, a soft one, they wanted it. To last long but if course we all need oxygen, si they pulled apart

"Hyung, I- that was amazing, so I guess you really forgive me and accept my feelings!? "

"Isn't it obvious bunny boy" The older smiled

Just after that a light appears, Jimin's arm the one that was filled with nothing to Jungkook just appear a beautiful heart Tattoo, not long after that on Jungkook's neck appears the same tattoo

"Hyung what is this? " He freaked out

"Let's go to your place, I'll explain it there"

Time skippp

"So? " They got into Jungkook's place before Jimin explained

"Your arm was hurting all this time? "

"Yep before you confess it's already in the 2nd stage "

The younger cried, knowing that his "lover" Had to go through so much before actually having the love of his life

"Hyung, in super sorry! " He sobbed the older hugged him tightly whispering sweet nothingness

After he calmed down, he asks

"So? What does this mean? "

"Huh? "

"Well, hyung would you like to be my boyfriend and of course my soulmate?"

" Yes! A million times Yesss"
Jungkook picked the smaller up and kisses him sweetly

After some tune they pulled out, and was gasping for air. They were happy, really happy

But sadly something will happen to them, something they never knew coming. Not only to the couple but to the whole group.

And it all started with an S

What will happen?

The end of chapter 15!

Okayyyyyy, soooooo

There's something I wanna tell y'all, I'm probs gonna make a new book idk, it's not a fiction I mean  kinda...

But it's based on the "drama" Me and my friends have

It's very funny and the thing is I go to school in a n all girls schools and the drama we did has some "boys? " In it

It's full of creak heads and it's still going!! It'll end.... Idk

Also, I'm planning to make another Jikook book after this one what do y'all think?
Anywaysss have a nice day/night!!!

I love youuu!! 💜💜💜

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