special chapter for Jk's b'day

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Jimin POV

It's Jungkook' birthday today, I'm super excited, my baby is growing. We started to date a couple of weeks ago and surprisingly he asked me out, I was super surprised and cried that day, I never thought that he would love me back.

I told him about the tattoo and soulmates things he cried knowing about my curse but after all of that we ended our night with cuddles and now I'm here doing some finishing touches for the surprise!!!

"Hyung!! Move the banner upside a little!! " I tell Jin hyung.

Me, Jin hyung, Tae and the girls are planning the surprise, we're doing it in a cafe to be exact me and Kook's favourite cafe

While the others are distracting Jungkook until 6pm where the party starts, I'm. super excited now it's 4pm, I gotta get ready!!

"Hyungs, and Tae I'mma leave you guys for a moment I need to get ready!! "

"Bye chim!! " They says waving a goodbye before I walk out

I went to my apartment and locked the door behind before going to my room and showering to get ready

Jungkook's POV

The hyungs and I are going to we bought many things eat, play games buy there's something that doesn't feel right, that feels out of place...

Jimin says that he's gonna be busy and only available at 6pm, so I'm kinda worried, all thoughts of bad things just went into my mind before Namjoon hyung made me snapped out of it

"What's wrong Kook? " I look at Yoongi before giving an answer

"Huh? Nothing, just worried"

"Uhm... Okay .... Oh look it's almost 6pm let's go into a cafe, I need some energy!!! " Namjoon hyung says we all chuckle and followed him.

When we got into the cafe I realized it was me and Jimin's favorite Cafe, but there was something different...

I decided to go in, after my hyungs who apparently left me!

Author POV

When Jungkook walked into the Cafe he was met by his friends, some banners and specially his boyfriend

They were singing Happy Birthday to him, he was overwhelmed so he cried, everyone panicked they've never seen the maknae cried, maybe Jimin has but not the others.

Jimin immediately hugged his boyfriend saying words like 'I love u' 'it's okay' 'I'm here' and much more

There is a moment of silence and all the hear was Jungkook' sobs until it finally came into a stop

"Hi Baby, are okay now? Happy birthday" Jimin says cupping the birthday boy's face

"Yeah, thank you so much hyungs, I. Love you guys!! "

"Awwww" They all hugged including the girls

They pulled out but Jungkook was attacked by a kiss on the lips by none other than Jimin, he of course kissed back they share a sweet and passionate kiss, when they pulled apart the other began to clap and congratulate them

It was fun partying and doing games and now it's the most favourite time for a kid and of course anyone it's presents!!

Jungkook opened then one by one, so far this is what he got

Jin gave Jungkook a portrait of himself saying 'put this near you so that you could see my handsome face everywhere " Which the other laughed

Yoongi and Hoseok gave him the same thing which is some timberlands

Tae gave him down Gucci clothing

Namjoon gave him a mug

Bella gave him a jewelry box

Nadine gave him some piercings

Lauren gave him sketch book

Layla gave him some money cuz she doesn't know what to buy him

And lastly Jimin...

Well he hasn't given him anything yet so he pulled Jungkook out of the cafe and to the park.

"What's my present park? " Jungkook teasingly says to Jimin

"This" He opened a box where there laid to pieces of necklaces the design was so beautiful it's a heart in the back was craved their names

Jimin took it out before saying "Jeon Jungkook you make me the happiest man alive and I know we're still in college but accept this as a promise that we will stay together okay? "

Jungkook smiles and take the one that carved Jimin and wore it

"Idiot, I should be the one who do this, not you... But thank you Baby I love you Sooooo much to ever let you go" Jimin wear the necklace

Before they both kissed again it was one of the best moments of their lives, and they wouldn't change it to any other ways

The Love they have grew stronger each day!!

That's when Jimin woke up, he just had a dream about Jungkook's birthday. He cried when he realized that it's not real it's only his dream.

Will it end good or badly?

The end

You guysss don't worry this is not the end of the book, there will be more Chapters coming up soon, mkay?

To celebrate our baby's bdayyyy

Lemme show you ma edits

Lemme show you ma edits

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It's bad ik

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It's bad ik...

But hole ya enjoy this cheater love you guysss

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