Chapter 34

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Hey y'all just a little bit of Author's nite here, this chapter will only be in Author POV now enjoyyy


Inside John's place you could hear screams of a frustrated person, things scattered, broken to pieces and people being yelled at, John was angry even though a part of him knew that this will happen, but he still couldn't believe his eyes, as to why now he is trying to find peace

"Out! Get OUT!! " He yelled, and instantly guards, maids, butlers, everyone got out of the room and left the young prince alone
The prince laughed sarcastically, his eyes were bloodshot red, you could see flames in them but he kept it cool, he said to himself

"If he wants to play, then let's play" After a while he called back his guards and also some of the scariest mafia leaders, they made a plan and I'm telling you, if you don't have powers you better run to the farthest country, but for now I'm going tell you their plan

"Execute them, chop off all of their heads except for two people Jeon and Park, I want to see Jimin watch his lover die slowly and painfully" John says

"But how do you wat it, and what if they attacked us with their powers" One of the leaders said

"Even without powers they're still very very scary" The other reply

"Are you scared of them???!!! " John asked glared at them which the shake their heads

"Don't worry about their powers, they don't even know about it, for Jungkook, that bunny boy, I want him to have a tattoo on his arm make them with knives, also on his head, after that I want you to break his arms and legs, but still keep his eyes open, after you finished that tasked let him talk to Jimin for 5 minutes and then drown him" John says, those words could make people scream just hearing it, and imagine to go through with it

"Let's gooooo" All of the  got ready grabbed guns knives, arrows, bullets, vest, they load them into trucks and they went to follow the other

Time skip

John and the others got inside the house sneakily, no one noticed it they were still celebrating Jimin's safety and also the completed mission, they were chatting around drinking until they heard gun shots, they ran inside and saw that some of the maids and butlers were dead, their bodies splayed there on the floor wile the others are  in a corner shaking in fear

Instantly they grabbed their weapons even Jimin got a gun, but still he was shield by Jungkook

"Well, well, the Kim's you were the greatest mafia ever, but sadly you quit" The leader mocks them

"What do you want Xue sin! " Namjoon asked

"Oh, it's not what I want, it's what John wants, and he wants you all dead, boys attack" Xue sin commands, the others attacked but Jimin and Jungkook was being dragged away when no one noticed it.

"Jimin! Let go of me bastard!! " Jungkook yelled tried to listen the two man's grip on him

They were brought into one of the fanciest room in the mansion, and there stood John with a knife in his hand he is sitting on a stool smirking


"A-A-a!! No no no, Jeon Jungkook you are under my control now" He says

"Guards separate them and make sure both can see each other"

"John what ever you do, don't hurt Jimin lay a finger on him and you'll die"

"Awwhhh a protective boyfriend, don't worry we're not going to lay a finger on him, quite the contrary actually, he's going to see you suffer" He laughed the couple stare in shock

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