Chapter 14

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Author POV

It's been a couple more hours of them searching for JIMIN, until they found a place it was hidden but it's not old in fact it looks modern and clean, they came inside and saw a person.

There stood Jimin, with his puffy eyes and old clothes he was listening to some music before he heard some steps coming closer, he opened his eyes and was met by a lot of pairs that was scared, anxious, happy and mostly sad.

"Min! We missed you! " Tae says, he was now crying followed by the others

"Hey guys, uhm I just need some time to myself, I'm sorry if I worried all of you, but the pain hurts.. " Nothing was said it was silent before his Sister hugged him, like he was she most precious thing in the world.

"Don't ever run away again! " She scolded, which Jin reply with

"Listen to her okay! We were literally losing our mind because of you! "

They chuckled because of how he was saying it like he was rapping.

"Okay, so any of y'all wanna tell me but the tattoo? " Hoseok ask

"How did u? " They looked surprised

"Oh c'mon I'm not stupid, now tell me"
They told him.

"So lemme get this straight, only you, you, you, you and You can see it? " He says pointing to the 3 girls and the 95L

"Yep" They says

"One more question, how can't you see your soulmate? Except for the Park family I mean"

"Just like they have the curse we also have one, which is that we can't see our soul mate and someone will try their best to separate us from being with each other" Lauren explains


After a while they decided to go back to their own home.

Now, let's see Jungkook's day

Jungkook POV

I haven't been out, I realized my mistakes, huh... What they say was right you need something to wake you up from your dream to realize that the one's who is right for you is right in front of you all along.

I miss him, I really do, but I broke him, I let him go and now, I'm stuck with a witch I should've realize that she was evil, she wanted something.

But now I know, but I just don't know what....

I'm making a promise, I'm going to bring back my old hyung, with all the power I have

Time skip

Author POV

It was the next week, Jimin stated going to school and does his best avoiding Jungkook and Sana

Meanwhile Jungkook is trying to get his hyung's attention and also forgiveness.

"Oppa~" That ear piercing sound could be heard by 100m away yups it's the B*tch

"What Sana? " Jungkook replied coldly to her

"Why are you lied thissss" She whined

"Because we're over, no we're not even together forget everything, I'm done with you! " He says before walking away


Suddenly Jungkook was pulled to the boys bathroom by the same person who says that he doesn't want him to be his soulmate

"Bro, I see what you did... Have you realize it yet? "

"Okay first of all, who the heck even are you! And second hair did you know? "

"Oh sorry, my name is Bambam and I knew because well just because" They boy named Bambam replied

"Oh and... I know what's she's planning, or used to, I don't know just listen" He then told Jungkook everything, of course skipping the curse thing

Which made the boy cried,  knowing all of this was his fault, but now he wanted to get him back

"Bam, do you want to help me get Jimin back? "

"Hell yea I will!! I'm the biggest shipper of Jikoooookkkk"

They both laughed.

Jungkook met Bands friends and became close to them, they also knew about Sana si they agree to help.

Now the question is, what will happen?

The end of Chapter 14


I'm back and tireddd

Sooooooo it's a long week.... Buttt I got my physics test back and I got 89!! I'm proud!!

Also some note, read ma bestie's book!! It's greattt

Here is her acc hoseoksmile-

Dat her book, go give her some love!!

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Dat her book, go give her some love!!

Anyways I'm going to try and post tomorrow, but if I can't that means double update on Sunday!!!

Love y'all!!!

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