Chapter 26

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Author POV

When the boys were thinking they heard a scream coming from the room where Jungkook was . They ran ar full speed and when they opened the door they saw Jungkook clutching his neck and screaming in Pain

Tae run to him and pulled his hands away for his neck what eh sees horrified him, the tattoo started to turn black slowly but the catch is those blackness looks  like veins...

So he decided to video call the girls and ask them

The call


Hello? Oh hi Tae

Hey Bell, uhm... I need to ask something it's really important


Jungkook, something is wrong with his tattoo

What?! Let me see it

(After seeing the tattoo)

Tae, did something happened to Jimin?

Uhm... Yes actually, he got kidnapped and was druggee so he loved someone else

Oh no...

What is it?

I'll explain when we get back which is tomorrow morning, for now just make Jungkook relax and don't put pressure to his neck and just compress it with warm water also show him memories of Him and Jimin

Okay... Please hurry

I will now do as I say

Phone call end

Tae started to do what Bella instructed him, the hyungs were just there shocked and just standing there looking at their maknae in pain and the other maknae helping him

"Hyungs, bring me a bowl with warm water also some towels, and boil some hot water and keep it in a thermos" Tae instructed

The boys did it as soon  as possible and grab all the things, well they have to wait for the water to boil but other than that they manage to do it less than 5 minutes

Tae took the towel and put it on Jungkook's neck, he also sat there beside him and started tot tell the sweet memories of Jungkook and Jimin until he feel asleep

After he feel asleep the others went out to talk

"So Tae, what was all that about?"

"Jimin being drigged effects on Jungkook, and his tattoo is now hurting and we need the girls to come here and help us and also explain all of this in details" Tae sighed the others nodded before sitting down and watching TV


Bella's POV

I can't believe it, if Jungkook is already in pain taht means they do love each other but taht also means taht Jimin will also be hurt and they'll suffer we need to go back...

I booked a ticket for all of us without the girls knowing it was tomorrow 3am, and we will arrive at Korea in about 9/10am

So we have to pack now...

"Girls, let's pack we need to go back" I say

"But why? " Lauren whinned

"I love it here" She continues

"We can't, something happened back in Korea and we need to help them" I explain

They just sighed and nodded before packing up their stuff

Please be alright... Jungkook, Jimin...

Adam's base

Author POV

Jimin was screaming in pain, h elooked at his tattoo the same thing happened to him but he doesn't know why..

Adam was just watching in a pity manner he doesn't know what to do so he just stares and sometimes asking Jimin if he was okay which Jimin replied by 'I'm not FUCKING OKAY AND YOU'RE JUST ANNOYING ME'

So after some time Adam went out..

"What the heck is happening to me" Jimin says

Time skip to when the girls are back and they're in Namjoon's mansion

"Alright so we need to break the so called drug" Bella says

"How? " Tae ask

"By putting then in the same room, and Jungkook hopefully will talk him out of the drug's impact" Bella explained

"But how do we get them in the same room? Jimin is basically trapped in Adam's base" Yoongi spoke

"Well unlike you guys who sneaked in, we negotiate" Lauren says

"Adam says taht he love sJimin, correct? So we can easily negotiate" Nadine says to the guys

"But he's not an easy guys... " Jin says

"And you think we are easy? " Layla's voice raised a but just to show her power

"No, no, you guys are powerful" Jin smilled while shaking his hand and slowly backing up to Namjoon

"So... Agree or disagree? " Bella ask

"Well we agree... But does Jungkook? "

"I agree" Jungkook's voice was suddenly heard he was standing on top of the stairs, apparently he was listening to the conversation the whole time

He slowly walked down, and there the girl noticed that black spots on his tattoo

"I'm sorry you have to got trough this Kook" Nadine says

"I'm fine, all I'm focusing now is to save Jimin, MY JIMIN"

His looks were frightening and he was determined to save Jimin and make him his, but to be honest wasn't Jimin always his?

Chapter 26 finished

Hey guys...
So just a little A/N..

I'mma make one shots of BTS imagines on Instagram!!

Please do wait for it
Thank you!!

Also special thanks to hoseoksmile- she's the one who gave me the idea!!

 Painful Tattoo -JIKOOK-Where stories live. Discover now