Run like hell

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       "We need to run faster!"

Lauren screamed to Will as the two ran together. The monster that Will referred to as the Demogorgon was getting too close. This situation happened a million times already and each time the only choice they had was to run.

"I'm too tired!" Will said as he started to slow his steps. "No! No, hey! Listen to me! Will please just keep going... Think about them" Lauren told him as soon as they passed Steve's house and turned left towards the woods. She panicked when she remembered her last encounter with Barb and prayed that the same thing wont happen with Will.

  Will took a deep breath and kept on going. He ran faster until he caught up with Lauren and as soon as Lauren saw him next to her she reached out and held his hand so he can keep up with her speed.

  "They probably already moved on" he whispered, but Lauren heard it and squeezed his hand. It's the only thing she thought about since she found Will in the basement. Did they move on?

  They kept going until they reached castle Byers. Lauren turned around to see if the monster was behind them, and she breathed out when she realised that it was nowhere in sight.

    The two walked in, completely out of breath. Will sat down and buried his face in his hands, all the stress was starting to catch up to him.

  Lauren sat down next to him, she put her hand on his shoulder to reassure him and took a deep breath.

As soon as Will felt her hand on his shoulder, he felt the tears roll down his cheeks. That small act of kindness triggered his emotions, and he was so thankful that she was there with him and that he wasn't all alone.

"I miss them too" she told him, totally oblivious to his thoughts. "Thank you" he said. "For what?" she whispered, tugging her jacket closer to her freezing body.

He shifted so that he was facing her.

"I know its weird. But thank you for being there at Steve's house that night, thank you for being here with me right now" he told her.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I... well... Thank you Will for being here with me too" She told him with a small smile.

And he smiled back.

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   Lauren ran through the deserted streets of Hawkins. It took hours for her to convince Will that one of them needed to go get food, and another few hours for her to convince him that she was more qualified to do that.

   She ran until she reached the supermarket, and with trembling hands she managed to push the glass door open and walk in. Her eyes quickly skimmed the almost empty aisles and she grabbed a nearby bag to fill it up with food.

  The screeching noise filled her ears, but it was far enough for her to grab a few things and hastily throw them in the bag. She decided that it was enough and began running towards the door. As soon as she reached the glass door she saw the creature standing outside, as though it was waiting for her to leave.

  Lauren felt the goosebumps erupt on her skin as she ran to the back door, not even stopping to take a breath. She felt terror when she saw the Demogorgon reach the back too and she whimpered when it started walking towards her.

  She started to panic as she dropped the bag and looked around for a weapon, her life diminishing right before her eyes. The monster walked into the supermarket and Lauren grabbed a knife and hid behind an aisle. She prayed silently as she held onto the knife.

   She screamed when the Demogorgon grabbed her by the leg and began to drag her outside. She tried to hold on to the floor but it was no use, the pain she felt in her leg was unimaginable. So she did the only thing she could, she sat up and plunged the knife into the Demogorgon's neck. That seemed to buy her some time. She got up and ran, grabbing the bag and fleeing the supermarket, not even daring to look back. She heard the screech, and this time it was faraway.

  She ignored the pain in her leg and the feeling of the liquid oozing out of it as she ran to castle Byers.


  It was an unpleasantly cold night, as Lauren lied down inside castle Byers. Will had fallen asleep because of his exhaustion, but Lauren just couldn't.

  Her mind kept drifting to her friends, her brother, her mother. Then she thought about the other people, the people who probably couldn't care less about her. Like Tommy H. or Carol...and perhaps Steve.

  Then her mind drifted to Jonathan, who used to be her childhood best friend. The story of Lauren and Jonathan was one with many complications. The two were very close, even inseparable before drifting so far away from each other that they saw no room for the other in their lives anymore.

   It was complicated, but Lauren always secretly hoped for a miracle to come down on both of them so they could talk like they used to before.

   She felt a sharp pain in her leg and inhaled quickly. She almost got caught by the Demogorgon the day before, which resulted in a nasty leg injury. She couldn't find any med kits so the only solution was to tear up her jacket and wrap it around the bloody wound.

  But the bigger injury was the one in her mind. When your life flashes right in front of your eyes, it takes on toll on you.  When you feel helpless when a monster of many nightmares tries to drag you to your death, it takes a toll on you.

  Lauren hadn't noticed that she was crying until she started shaking, maybe it was because of the cold or maybe because the past few days had really started to sink in.

   But as soon as she started coughing, she knew something must be wrong.

    Will jolted awake with wide eyes as he registered the coughing sound. He looked towards Lauren and saw how painfully miserable she looked. He quickly went towards her side and patted her back to help her recover from her coughing fit.

  But Lauren's coughing was only getting worse and she felt like the burn in her throat was going to start spreading all over.

Then Lauren turned to her side and started coughing out blood.

When she saw the blood she looked up to meet Will's eyes. She could physically see his heart sink and his eyes go wide in alarm.

  "I'm going to be ok, alright?" she quickly reassured him, knowing full well that he was going to panic. "I'll be ok" she said again, only this time she tried to assure herself.

"But you can't leave me... promised that we'd get out of here! can't leave me...I can't be alone" he panicked as he sobbed and Lauren embraced him.

Lauren shook her head as her own set of tears appeared on her face. "I won't leave you" she said as she let go of him and cupped his face. "I'll never leave you here alone buddy" she said sweetly.


"I promise"

A.N: This is some cute shit right here.

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