We've done this before (1)

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Part 1 of 2

The Avengers sit in an almost perfect circle. This is silly, they're all thinking. And yet so fun.

It's true, they should not be playing Spin the Bottle. They all have more important things to do. Sleeping, for instance. But everyone needs to relax. They had dinner, as friends, not as colleagues, fellow fighters, and it was nice. And now it's time for some post-dinner fun.

"Thor. It's your go." Several people call impatient while munching on snacks.
The said Thor rolls his eyes and looks round at the circle. It's true, there are some lovely ladies here, all which he respects, but then again, he does not want to kiss any of them. He takes the bottle in his hands and spins it deftly. As it slows Natasha groans. Please not me please not me please not me.

"Romanoff! Get ready."
Of course. She's not that lucky. "Ugh. Do I have to?"
"The rules of the game, Natalie. Pucker up!" Tony counters. She rolls her eyes with annoyance. Thor approaches her awkwardly. She raises her eyebrows.
"Oh for God's sake, hurry up!" She admonishes. He bends down and she plants a tiny kiss on his cheek.
"Hey! That's not allowed!" Tony shouts from across the circle while the others laugh.
"Who said? I don't remember it ever being established that it had to be on the lips." She stares him down. Tony looks around at the others, hoping for some backup, but receives nothing.
"All right, now it's a rule." He sits back and munches his crisps. Natasha sighs.

"My go, is it?" She reaches for the bottle. Please not Tony please not Tony please not Tony. Apart from the fact that Pepper would slaughter her, he's such an arse she doesn't want to touch that dirty mouth. The bottle spins. It lands on Steve, who just happens to be sitting next to her. Her lucky day. Several of them caw as he blushes. He doesn't protest, though. She grins inside.

"Oh relax, Rogers. We've done this before, remember?" She smiles playfully. If it was possible to blush more, he did just that, but a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth too. The other Avengers exchange confused glances.
"Wait wha-"
She leans over and he meets her half way. Natasha feels a little flutter in the pit of her stomach. Damn, She thinks. Guy's got better. If they're honest, they both want to stay there a little longer, but pull away after just a second. Tony wolf-whistles and the others all smile and laugh. Steve's now beetroot red and he chuckles too. He's just so damn cute, she thinks.

"Oi, you two. I think some elaboration is needed." Tony calls from across the circle. Nat smiles at him innocently. Tony makes air quotations. " 'We've done this before' ?" The others look at the pair expectantly, mischievous smirks on their lips. She rolls her eyes. Steve stares at the ceiling.
"It's quite a boring story actually. We were on a mission and in order to evade capture by Hydra agents, we kissed. I'd recommend it. Hides the faces well. PDA makes people very uncomfortable." She deadpans. Steve smiles inwardly as he remembers what she told him before it. The others still stare at them, as if waiting for something else.
"What? That's the story. What else do you want? A re-enactment?"
Tony speaks for the group again. "I mean, if you're serious..."
"But how was it?"
"The kiss, dumbass."

Natasha looks across at Steve. Admittedly, it wasn't amazing, but not bad for a ninety-year-old, and she's not about to give him a bad review after the one they just shared.
"God, Stark, what are you hoping for? Marks out of ten? It was fine. No tongue or anything, if that's what you're all wondering."
The other Avengers exchange glances, but let it go. Spin the Bottle ends with that, as conversation slides into more recounts of other missions, and they are soon forgotten, by all except themselves.

Natasha can't stop thinking about them, his hand on her waist as they move down the escalator, or the flutters in her stomach when she looks at him.

He can't get her out of his head, the electricity that danced across his skin where she touched his face, the longing that pulls in the pit of his stomach, the desire for more. She leans against him as the evening draws on and becomes more relaxed, but he doesn't dare put his arm around her, though she deperately wants him to. They tell themselves to forget their feelings, they won't be reciprocated. So they stay like that. Comfortable, but wanting more.

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