This isn't a mistake

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For the record, I know Steve can't get drunk (can Nat if she had a version of the serum?)

Steve and Natasha were drunk. Like really off-their-heads drunk. Like might-do-something-stupid drunk. Steve and Natasha were drunk, and everyone knew it. Everyone could see what was going to happen before the night even started, but why would they stop it? This would fulfil their little shipper hearts.
First the tiny sidelong glances and knowing smiles turned into full on googly eyes.

Clint was talking to Nat for a good three and a half minutes before he realised she had not heard a word he'd said, and was instead making heart eyes over at Steve, who was currently trying (and failing, supposedly) to lift Thor's hammer.

Tony made fun of 'old man Steve' for at least ten minutes before he realised all his carefully thought out jibes were not having any effect on the latter, because his eyes were popping out of their sockets staring at the, admittedly very beautiful, Natasha.

Tony watches, smirking, as Steve saunters over to the bar Natasha stands behind. The rest of the party guests keep track of their progress with sidelong glances as they flirt, very obviously, their heads getting closer and closer, their eyes not even bothering to mask their wandering. The next thing they know, both Natasha and Steve are sneaking out of the party. They do try to be stealthy, make it less obvious, Tony does give them that. They make their excuses and stumble unsteadily out of the door, their departures staggered by about 3 minutes. But their attempts are futile. Everyone has known for a while what was going to happen.

Tony has a lightbulb moment. "Jarvis, open up the cameras for the lift, corridors 2, 4 and 6, and the bedrooms of Capsicle and Romanoff."
"Yes sir."
He walks over to the screen at one end of the room as CCTV footage of the mentioned cameras open, splitting the screen into 6. "Hey, Barton, Thor, get your arses over here. Watch this." The two strolled over, interested, as Tony points emphatically to the screen. "Tell me this isn't the best thing to come from tonight."
"I won't fight you on that." They reply in turn,  chuckling as they watched the footage.

Steve and Natasha were currently stumbling, hand in hand down the corridor to the lift, giggling uncontrollably. They wait for the lift for a minute, anticipation clearly building as they send each other flirtatious sidelong glances and occasional hand squeezes. Finally the doors open and they step inside. The group of three watching mumble in annoyance as they still manage to control themselves, obviously saving it for the bedroom. Tony gets an idea.
"Let's heat things up. Jarvis, stop the lift. Delay it for 30 minutes."
"Yes sir."
The ascent grinds to a halt on the screen, to the obvious concern and frustration of the victims.
"Jarvis what's happened? We can't wait forever!" They exchange a glance.
"The lift has been delayed due to a system malfunction."
"Great. Just great." Steve sighs.
Natasha gets a look in her eyes. She turns to face Steve with a suggestive look in her eyes.
"Jarvis, how long will the delay last?"
"It is estimated 30 minutes, agent."
She raises her eyebrows and Steve catches on. They essentially throw themselves at each other, earning a holler from Clint.
Their lips meet in a passionate embrace. They push their bodies against each other hungrily, wanting to be as close as possible. Steve slams her against the wall. Their hands wander and their tongues dance. Her hands scrunch in the collar of his shirt, pulling him even closer. One rambles down a heavily muscled arm and up again to tousle the usually very neat hair. He bites down a little on her bottom lip, eliciting a small moan. His hands go everywhere, wanting to feel every part of her. They rest on her hips before trailing up her body, cupping her head, stroking her cheeks before trailing back down, slightly lower than her hips this time. His kisses wander away from her lips and she tilts her head back as he places light kisses all along her jaw and down her neck and she makes small noises of pleasure. Her fingers fumble with his shirt buttons and he draws her dress zip down her back. They collapse on the floor, she on top of course, back, bra straps and all, exposed as they make out passionately.
Thor wolf whistles. "Soldier really knows what he's doing."
Tony pumps his fist in the air. "Romanogers, baby!"
Both Thor and Clint look at him, confused.
"What do you mean, 'Romanogers'?"
Tony rolls his eyes. "Clearly I'm the only intellectual here."

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Pepper's voice rings out as she stalks over. They look back at the screen, and Tony fumbles with the remote.
"Uh...nothing, nothing."
"Just checking for intruders." Thor interjects. Pepper does not look amused.
"Get that off the screen now!" Her voice softens. "Let them have their moment." Tony switches the screen off looking slightly guilty. She turns to walk away.
"Pep wait." She crosses her arms as she spins on her heel.
He holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Romanogers is happening, right?" A smirk works its way onto her face.

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