Oscars Thoughts

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So I didn't watch the Oscars live cus no way would my parents let me stay up until like 4 to see them, but I thought I'd share some of my thoughts about the results.

I thought all the categories were well placed except Best Actress, which I was not happy about. Though everyone knew Renée would win, I didn't want her to. Not having seen Judy, I have to say that I fully wanted Scarlett to win. First of all, Renée already has an Oscar. And Judy may be good, but this sort of thing has been done before, many a time, whereas I believe Marriage Story is a complete standout. I've never seen anything like it, and Scarlett's never done anything like it before either. Frankly I thought she deserved it more than Renée.

Parasite winning Best Picture was a pleasant surprise, as I thought they would instead win win the others they were nominated for in consolation of that loss, but no. I'm glad they were recognised and that place in history will be truly iconic.

Of course, it's sad Greta Gerwig didn't win for Best Adapted Screenplay (and that she didn't get a directing nomination, but that's a whole other kettle of fish) as that was her only chance to win that night, but Jojo Rabbit winning is just as good. Both films are great and I really enjoyed both, but perhaps Jojo Rabbit a little more.
In fact, Little Women only winning for Costume Design is kind of ironic since the whole film's message is that women are more that beauty, more than clothes, they have qualities outside of appearance, but hey ho.

This Awards Season may have been predictable, but entertaining as always. And weren't all the clothes lavish?

Those were the only major points I had. Perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts in the comments? Do you agree?

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