As long as I'm with you

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"If you could go anywhere in the universe right now, where would you go?"

The question startled him at first.

They were curled up on the sofa for their weekly Friday-night takeaway+movie tryst, the movie having just finished. Now it was silent. The only sound to be heard was their breathing, slow and steady. It was so quiet they were sure they could hear the other's heartbeat. They lay there in comfortable silence, blanket over them. His chin rests on her head, which rests on his chest. She leans against him, curled up to absorb the warmth he emits, legs swung across his lap. He plays with her hair absentmindedly, stroking the soft locks of red-blonde that reach just past her shoulders. 

Then she spoke, suddenly and without warning. He felt her vibrate against his body as the words bubbled out of her mouth. Though soft, her voice was clear and cut the silence like a knife.

"If you could go anywhere in the universe right now, where would you go?"

For a few seconds he's stumped. Where would he go? In the whole of the universe? It's impossible. Anywhere and everywhere. Knowhere too. How could anybody pick one place?

But then he knows. She shifts and looks up at him. Her face is inscrutable, but her unearthly beauty takes Steve's breath away, just like every other time he sees her face. It's everything he fell in love with. Her eyes, deep green and pure, so pure. You'd think after everything she'd been through, they'd be stormy, dark, tortured. But no, they are bright green, pure and clear. Clear like water, dappled by a beam of sun shining through emerald leaves. Clear and honest. Honest stretching to creative truth-telling, but truthful, and trustworthy.

When he looks down at her face, he knows immediately. It comes to his mind in a blow of warmth, and Steve doesn't know how he could have thought anything else. He smiles at her, face upturned with a question mark as she awaits his answer.

"Honestly?" He asks.
"Of course." She lifts her eyebrows, surprised at his question. He sighs lightly before answering.
"Anywhere, as long as I'm with you. As long as you're by my side, I'll go anywhere, do anything." He replies softly.

His heart flutters as her eyes crinkle adorably as a beam spreads across her face with joy. She kisses him lightly and pulls back, laughter dancing in her eyes, playing on her lips.
"That's the right answer, Rogers."
He chuckles and kisses her again, deeper this time. She leans back into his chest and he holds her close.

Right now, he doesn't want to go anywhere. He wants to stay here, in this moment, forever, his heart soaring with love and full of hope, holding her small form close as the moon rises high in the sky, a silvery beachball in a deep, starry sea.

Anywhere, anytime, as long as I'm with you

Short but sweet 🍬

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