somewhere only we know (2)

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"Are we there yet?"
"Where are we going, Nat?"
"Just be quiet, okay?"

Steve huffed, a pretense of irritation. Wherever Natasha was taking him, he hoped they reach it soon. Her hands were firm over his eyes from behind, his outstretched in front of himself like a zombie, untrusting of Natasha to not walk him into something. At his next protestation, he nearly swallowed a clump of leaves. It felt like they were walking through a bush, and looked like it on emergence to the other side.

"Just through here..." Natasha pushed him again and he stumbled through. He yelped as she tried to move around him, hands still acting as best a blindfold as they could, for she'd stepped on his foot. "Sorry, sorry...There you go."

He blinked rapidly at the sudden reintroduction to light. The sun had not yet set, but the shadows were lengthening and the day had taken on that golden filter.
Awe left him wordless as their surroundings took shape. Natasha stood, arms outstretched to the side and a grin brighter than the sun on her face. They were standing in a small glade. A domed canopy above their heads filtered the midday sun as leopard spots on the leaves under their bare feet, the rippling hide of a primeval mammal, fur of green and gold and brown since the first dawn.

A quivering window of light spotlights Natasha. The plait her father braided meticulously this morning is mostly loose, strands waving in a halo around her head. With her wide stance and equally wide grin, she looks like the centre of everything. Steve imagines the shadows retreating behind her. He imagines the trees turning to see, the wind changing direction, every blade of grass upturned.

"This can be our den!" She says, breaking his trance. "Look, I brought all our play stuff out." She points at the plastic chest a metre away.
"It's so pretty." He replies.
"I know, right?"

Just like you.

Ridiculously short. So sue me. I'm posting another to make up for it.
I had, like, ideas for this series when it first sprung to mind but I guess 3 months of stewing rather takes it off the flame.

Question: What Hogwarts house are you?

I'm Ravenclaw!

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