'Friendly' competition

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All the Avengers gather in the training area for this week's full team exercises. Fury stands at the front. After a warmup, he called them into a huddle around the boxing ring, about to announce this week's spar couple.

Every week, Fury picked two names out of a hat and those two people had to spar, without using any kind of extra enhancing abilities.
This was especially hard for Wanda. Hand to hand combat was really not her thing. She usually let her mind do the work, telekinesis and all the rest. That was exhausting enough without having to worry about dodging punches. Bruce didn't have to participate, as there was no real hand to hand combat situation which he couldn't solve by being the Hulk. Wanda tried to argue that her situation was the same and she shouldn't either, but alas, Fury didn't listen. Tony and Rhodey still did, even with their suits, as it was good practice for the others. They wouldn't always be against human figures.

It was a good exercise. You kept yourself at a high standard while also building a better team relationship; you got to know their strengths, weaknesses, and all the rest. But it was also partly for fun. They would make bets on who they thought would win and cheer as they became more battered and bruised. It was good fun.

Fury digs his hand around inside the hat, and draws the paper slips out with a flourish.

"Rogers! Romanoff! You're up!" Fury called. They groaned. This was probably the most even pairing. Usually it would be over in five minutes, sometimes less. If it was Wanda against, say, Tony, let's just say the fight was quickly and easily won. But Steve and Natasha... This was more of a play-off. Neither had proper supernatural abilities, so they were in their element inside the ring, usually the winners of their respective fights. But together... Nobody was sure. Steve was probably the stronger of the two, but Natasha was quite obviously smarter and much quicker. Quite the contortionist.

"Wait! We don't have popcorn!" Tony called out. A few of them chuckled. He was right, though. This was going to take some time, and be quite entertaining besides. They were allowed to sit on chairs in rows on one side of the ring, arranged while the two competitors did what they needed to prepare. Taping their hands, stretching tight muscles and sore ligaments.

Finally everyone was ready. They entered the ring. Steve looked her up and down. Her red-blonde hair was tied back in a plait that swung hypnotically when she moved. A tight black t-shirt and leggings clung to her slight figure. Wow, he thought, but pushed it from his mind. The thought had sprung involuntarily, but he wouldn't deny its truth. Her beauty was unearthly and frankly, magical.

He cast his mind back to the fight. He should be able to beat her. She was very skilled, he knew that, but if he could pin her down, his superior strength would surely do it.

She studied Steve, tactics already forming in the back of her head. God, he was toned. It would be hard to slip out of that grip. She couldn't win this on strength; there he had an advantage. But she was good. She had brains. She was quick, she could outsmart him if she tried. Distractions were her best friend here.

They stood opposite each other, on edge, ready. Fury, now a safe distance away, blew the whistle.

Neither wanted to make the first move. Steve stood, fists up to his face, boxing style. She didn't look all that ready. Her arms hung at her sides. She walked a bit, paced her half of the ring, her eyes never leaving him.

His skin began to burn with the intensity of her gaze. He felt uncomfortable, hot, and could feel a blush rising.

So he made the first move. He runs at her and throws a punch, hoping to connect with her eye. However, she dodges out of the way and slips behind him, kicking his legs out from under him and pinning him to the ground, knee on his stomach and elbow on his windpipe.

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