𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔟𝔬𝔫

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Steve places the last present under the tree with a sigh of relief. The pine is scrawny, half his height and drooping from the weight of the few gaudy decorations adorning the barely needled branches, as every time the floor vibrates with nearby steps, a clump of them fall off. At least the coloured lights, though cheap and bulbous, brighten the room with a cosy glow. Natasha kicks the sellotape and wrapping paper away, copying his sigh and leaning back on the sofa with a huff, surveying the scene they've created over the course of the damn season. The rent on this apartment cleans them out every month, so scrounging the money to even purchase their titchy tree along with the small pile of presents had been like putting pressure on coal in the hope it would turn into diamonds, but they'd managed. It's quaint, and she likes it that way, because it's theirs. All theirs. Her and Steve's.

She should've known what he was plotting when he started twiddling on his phone, tapping his foot and a glint in his eye. Especially when he leant the phone against the shelf, turned the volume up high. Alas, not until he grabbed a nearby beer can and started mouthing to Mariah Carey did she really know she was in trouble. He sauntered towards her, miming along to the opening lyrics and increasing in dramatics as the upbeat production comes in full swing. His index finger beckons coyly, hopefully. Resisting a smile, she just crosses her arms over her chest, leaning further into the cushions.
"Nope, no way. Absolutely not."
"Come on, Nat. Where's your Christmas spirit?" She shakes her head again, but concedes a grin, watching him wave his arms wildly. "I just want you for my own," Steve clutches at his heart. "More than you could ever know," Natasha's vehement objections go unheeded as he draws her off the couch into him. Spinning her around, he puts his hands on her as if to waltz, and soon they're dancing (a sad excuse for it really) around the room, pulled mainly by him, as laughter at his idiocy makes her weak with love and happiness. "Make my wish come true..." They slow as the song comes to a crescendo. "Baby all I want for Christmas..." He stares down at her pink cheeks and sparkling eyes. "Is you." The soft kiss he places on her lips is enough. With his hands in her hair and on her waist, everything is enough. She wouldn't wish to be anywhere else.

I just find it ridiculously funny that my writing has got worse this year like why do I even try istg I'm laughing

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