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- Literally anything choi_kimmy writes. Just look her up and binge. Her writing makes me green with envy, and it's always so original, with the perfect balance of angst and fluff. I'm pretty sure 'it's you, it's always you' is my favourite fic ever, and her current work 'in the pale moonlight' is impossible not to fall in love with.

- AU Yeah August by Reioka is not at all an entirely Stevenat work, but it has a really great dystopian oneshot for them, and loads of other chapters for couples you didn't know it was possible to ship besides.

- If you're looking for some heavy-fluff-bordering-smut with angst bubbling beneath the surface and the subtle denial of feelings, Five Times Natasha Taught Steve How To Kiss by Phoebe_Snow is the fic for you.

- Fair enough, the Stevenat content in How Did We Get Here? by superwholocked_avenger only starts in about Chapter 50, and even then it's a background relationship, but this fic is well worth reading simply because it's ridiculous and hilarious in equal measure. The adventures of Reina, Bailey and Clara are both bizarre and heartwarming, and comical to say the least.

- i'm running out of reasons, but i can't let go by empressfall...oof. o o f. A scenario that hasn't been written about as much as you would think, and a compelling one at that.

- I don't really know what to say about If Only the World Wouldn't Get in the Way by Starjargon, but I think it's important and, as always, very well written.

- I feel I've gushed rather a lot, but I can't say enough about Indigo by Squid_Ink. It's incredible, and my heart leaps when it's updated. It's a story of push and pull, of desire and hesitation, of complications and feelings of inadequacy. It manages to be heartbreaking and warming in equal measure without being oppressive about it, which is truly an accomplishment, in my opinion. All with great writing and vocabulary. I know, right?

- spoiler, we die in the end by meetmeinthecosmos is a collection of poems, and utterly heartbreaking. I love them, but I know poetry isn't everyone's cup of tea. It's not really mine, but I have found an exception.

- The Modern Love series by remy71923 is also beautiful.

- I love NatRogers's works. They are a must. I'm currently reading A Little Favor (it feels wrong missing a 'u' but oh well). I'm not usually one for pregnancy fics, but this is so sexy I couldn't resist. And if you're a sucker for best-friends-to-lovers with a fake relationship AU like I am, Never Be the Same is right up your street!

- I've only read two chapters of Forty-Eight Hours by eauline just now, but I'm already loving it.

- Neither Drabarni and the Firebird by lightsaroundyourvanity or #girlavenger, or How Natasha Trended on Twitter and Saved The World by burritosong are Stevenat works, in fact DATF is WandaNat, but both are very good and very sweet.


- Romanogers Oneshots by TheCaptainsSwan . I don't think it's possible to be a Stevenat fan, on Wattpad and not be reading this, but just in case.

- You Break it, You Buy it / Still Broken by chaoticfandemic . Honestly, one of the better Wattpad fics. It was partially the inspiration for LIFC, and I definitely recommend.

Again, I don't really read, only write on Wattpad so I don't have many recommendations from here.

So there are my top recommendations. Should be enough to take up a bit of the time in this quarantine, don't you think? 🙃 Anyway, if you have any recommendations, or want me to read and do a review of any work, just submit a comment! I really hope these are helpful to you, and if they are, I might do another in the future as I continue to discover new works.

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