A/N - Hiatus

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Hi. Hello.

So I'm going away for two weeks tomorrow, and will not be able to post even if I had anything to. I am taking this as an opportunity for a short hiatus from writing in general.

I love writing, and I love this community, and I love the response my posts get. But I need a break. Not to be dramatic, but sometimes the pressure is so much I can't breathe. Self-inflicted, I know, but it's starting to turn my love of writing into a chore, and I never wanted it to be that. It's a never-waning hot poker at the base of my skull and beginning to stifle my life, so I just need two weeks without even thinking about updates or deadlines or writer's block (my chronic condition). Hopefully, it will be refreshing enough that words flow more freely again.

Y'all know my posting schedule is shit and irregular, and I can't promise it will be less so any time soon. I'm really sorry and thank you for your patience.

Stay safe, and wear a mask. See you on the other side x

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