at first sight (1)

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Funny story, the following segments were supposed to be posted as one really long chapter but they were taking so long and I hated everything sm I'm posting them separately. Have something that could have been posted much sooner!


Steve grunted in frustration. He still wasn't tall enough. The fence was just too high! All he wanted was to see what was happening on the other side, take a peek at all the noise coming from next door. His Ma had told him to stay inside for now, but all he wanted was a look. Apparently, there were lots of heavy boxes and he might get hurt. Steve was tempted to go out anyway, but he didn't want to get into trouble, and Ma had given him an ice lolly while he waited.

That was part of the problem. It was delicious, but it meant that he only had one hand free, and it made his other one sticky, and he didn't like how that felt. Putting it down was impossible too, he knew. He had accidentally dropped one once, and it got all dirty with grass and mud stuck to it, so he couldn't eat it anymore. The sun was high in the sky, so he also knew he needed to eat it quickly or it would start dripping and then melt all over his hand, and that would make it even more sticky.

This was problematic mainly because he wanted to be higher up, and it was really hard to climb with one hand. Clambering onto the seat of the bench had been easy enough, but he still wasn't tall enough to see over the fence. If he went on his tip toes he was just tall enough to reach the top of the wood, and if he went on his tip tippy toes his forehead was level with the edge, but it hurt so he couldn't do it for long, and he still couldn't see anyway.

It wasn't fair! None of it was! There shouldn't even be any strange box-carrying men here. Bucky had promised him they could still see each other even if he didn't live next door anymore, and his parents had backed him up. Plus his Ma's guarantees, Steve was pretty reassured. But it wouldn't be the same. There would be no more chatting on the way home from school, or splashing in big puddles when it rained, or sucking on rocket lollies when it got hot. No more playing soldiers, or knights and monsters, or hide and seek or It. Ever since his Ma told him, Steve's dreams were filled with of who might move in? What would they be like? What would they do to Bucky's house? The dreams became downright nightmarish at one point, with smelly old people holed away in a crumbling house where brambles grew out of the ground and made a cage around it, and massive bats flew everywhere. Or a tiny baby that never stopped screaming and it pooed and threw up everywhere and made the whole neighbourhood stink. Or a boring couple who never smiled or came out of their house and let Bucky's old room get all dusty and chased little boys around with brooms. Et cetera, et cetera. To be short, by the time the actual moving day came, Steve was convinced that a monster or two was slithering into their new home. He needed to get a good look so as to set out his plan of attack.

Perhaps if he climbed onto the compost bin...

"What are you doing?"

The voice was so startling Steve almost fell off the bench. He did manage to keep hold of the lolly though.

A girl, looking no older than himself, was staring at him a few metres away. Her hair was bright red like it had been coloured with a crayon, and pulled back into two low pigtails that gleamed in the sunshine. His eyes widened, not knowing what to say; who was this girl and where had she come from?
Steve hopped off the bench, and stared a little more. The girl's patience obviously ran out at his silence as she sighed and crossed her arms.

Realising how unresponsive he was being, Steve managed to master his surprise. "I was trying to look over the fence at the new people. Who are you?"
"My name's Natasha. That's my new house." 'Natasha' pointed up at the home he had just been trying to gawk at, and Steve took a step back at the revelation that she was his new neighbour. He mentally scanned through all his fears and theories. She was definitely not an old lady, or a baby, or a slimy monster. That he could see... He would have to be careful. Maybe she was a shape-shifter?
"Are you human?" The words were out before he could stop them. Steve vaguely registered that they were a bit rude, but curiosity overrode concern.
Natasha frowned. "Of course! Aren't you?"
"That's good. What's your name?"
Steve felt himself relax a little and stepped back forward, holding out a hand. "I'm Steve Rogers." Natasha shook it, her frown lessening into a smile, which widened again at his offering. "Do you want an ice lolly?" She nodded and he ran back inside. Natasha followed, but stopped just outside, watching as he reached up for the box. There was only one left, but his Ma could buy more, right? He didn't think she'd mind if he gave one to this strange, red-haired girl.
"Can you open it okay?" Steve himself, even if he was a strong boy, sometimes struggled with the wrappers.
"Yep." Natasha, on the other hand, teased it open without a problem. As she sucked, Steve looked at her quizically and prepared his next question.
"How did you get in here?"
"There's a gap between the fence and the bushes over there. I just walked through." Natasha gestured again to the end of his garden.
She just took his hand and pulled him over. Sure enough, the bushes meant that, if pushed aside, a large gap could be afforded, presenting a crossing between gardens. "There. Do you want to see my new house?"
Steve considered telling her that he already knew her house inside out, and about Bucky, but decided against it, answering only with a nod. Together, they scuttled back through the opening. Natasha giggled, and so did Steve, even if he wasn't entirely sure what was funny.

Through the large bifold doors and windows, they could see removal men scurrying like ants with large cardboard boxes in tow. Commanding it all was a tall dark man with an eye patch, dressed completely in black. Now he looked like a villain. Steve started to point warily, a question on his lips, but Natasha stole it from his tongue.
"That's my dad. Well, he's not my real dad, but that's what I call him."
"Where's your mum?"
Natasha didn't answer immediately, taking a second to lick drips from where they threatened, precarious. Which was as equally mesmerising as the rest of her. Steve, in all honesty, had never spoken to a girl before (his mother didn't count), but they were fascinating creatures.
"I don't have a mum."
The way Natasha consumed the ice lolly was particularly interesting. There seemed to be a strategy, which meant her hands weren't sticky at all. She didn't just go from the top, her tongue swept all around.
"Oh. I think my mum's outside. I don't have a dad, though."
Her face lightened, as if finding someone akin had eased the burden of her confession. "Oh."

They watched the men a little longer. Steve was mulling over a question in his mind, unsure whether to ask or not. This was important. It would be the decider on their friendship for many years to come, and he already liked Natasha, but what if she said no?
Steve took a deep breath. "Do you like jumping in puddles?" He inquired quietly.
All his fears were wiped when a sparkling grin spread across her cheeks and she bounced on the balls of her feet.

And that was just the beginning.

I want to get to know you all better, so every chapter there's going to be a question at the bottom that you can answer or not answer, but I hope you do. They aren't going to be that personal or anything.

Where do you live? As in country? Or state?

I live in England, if you hadn't figured that yet 😂

Also, I reached the chapter limit on this fic with all my drafts and had to start another document, don't let me ever tell you I have no ideas. Like I'm pretty good at thinking of prompts and settings but just can't actually write them.
Thing is, I promise you more fluff and then come up with 10 new angsty ideas so-

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