A/N - Coming soon....sort of.

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So here's the issue. I've been planning this idea of mine for the last few weeks, and really want to start writing the first chapter (though it'll probably be put on hold for ages until I finish one of my other works, ngl).
Here's the synopsis:

Dinners, parties, money, scandal. The early 1900s are alive and kicking.

Nestled in the Yorkshire landscape, the sprawling Fairmont Manor and grounds is home to the influential Lord Brierwell, his wife and daughters, and their multitude of servants. But the world is big, and the lives of the Edwardian aristocracy are irrevocably chained to stifling tradition. Lady Natalia Romanov's life seems all cut out for her...

But Natasha has dreams. Dreams larger than the extensive family estate can accommodate, and the new chauffeur Steve Rogers might just be the ticket she's been waiting for.

"Where do we come into this?", you ask. Well, everything's going great, and then I come to an obstacle. Title, it taunts. Mmm. That's right. I have no idea for the life of me what to call this work.

So I'd like you lovely readers to submit your ideas! Write in the comments what you think would be a fitting title, and hopefully I'll choose from the pool.

May the odds be ever in your favour, and creativity flow easily through your veins.

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