Chapter 1 - Surely Change the World •3•

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The hazy silhouettes blurred together, coming in and out of focus, as all objects in the room wandered between a mess of shapes and colors, and misshapen look-alikes of their real form. Every once in a while, albeit briefly, the blur would become just distinguishable enough to make out a rough outline of the dark room.

It was a small space, and the part of it within the girl's sight appeared empty. Apart from the figures moving about it. Some closer, some farther away. Walking in and out of view.

All sound was muffled. There were voices. Conversing among each other somewhere in the distance. But within a room as small as this one, was there any distance to be had?

The dull thuds echoing in sync with one of the hazy figures' movement confirmed that it was not distance that distorted the sound.

Slowly but surely, her senses, as incomplete as they may have been, were returning to the girl. And each new one added its own splotch of color to the incomplete painting that were her thoughts.

Where was she? What had happened? Who were those people? Whose were those voices?

Questions piling up one after another yet no answers ever came to them.

Following her sight and hearing, it was now in order for her sense of smell to make its way back home. In an instant, the stale smell of old wood and the faint stench of alcohol attacked her thrid sense.

This time, however, the girl's next sense followed almost in an instant.

And it hurt.

Very literally.

As she could now discern she was sprawled on her side, lifelessly lying on the cold rough floor, she felt every nerve in her body was on edge as her mind screamed for her to make the pain stop.

And yet, everything hurt like hell.

She didn't know. Did all of her body really ache? Or was the pain too great for her to even find its source?

With every passing second, she felt she had a clearer image. But her memories were still fuzzier than any of the blurring shapes she tried to make out.

The pain didn't stop. But the room might've become darker.

She couldn't really tell anymore.

And as one of the hazy figures leisurely closed in on her, as if it knew there was no use rushing, the girl's eyes focused upon something covered in a bright red hue.

It was her own-


As her mind nudged her awake, Saeki Atsuhi was left no choice but to begrudgingly force her eyes open. Hard as she tried, only one of her eyelids moved and she was left waiting for her one open eye to adjust to the sudden brightness, slowly revealing the scenery around her.

She blinked a few times, shaking off the last lingering notes of sleepiness from her eyes, and any memories of the scary dream she'd had along with them.

While the inside of the school bus came into view, a soft and warming sensation on the girl's squished cheek made its presence known. Atsuhi grumbled softly, rubbing against what she could only assume was a small pillow there just for her, as she breathed in the pleasant smell it carried and only wished to indulge in this peaceful feeling for a little longer.

It was in this absolute peace she stopped to consider where she had left off before drifting to dreamland.

That's right... Training Camp, a bus, traveling...

Explosive Touch [Bakugo Katsuki x OC] - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now