Chapter 12 - So, What Now?

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"The Crushing of UA!"

As soon as the words had left her mouth, Atsuhi was forced to jump back, avoiding a gooey projectile sent her way. She would've stopped to take note of whoever it was that had fired off this attack, but there were far too many people, all unleashing their Quirks simultaneously, for her to be able to distinguish something as trivial as that right now.

"I don't know what that is but it does not sound good!!" Kaminari exclaimed, most likely regretting his decision to tag along with the trio already. Atsuhi tried to raise her voice over the constant sounds of explosions and all sorts of other powers.

"It's a thing that happens every year during-" But she cut herself off, moving to the side to evade both a long metal beam aiming for her feet, and some dangerous-looking bubbles heading her way, only to then jump back, before two people who had managed to close in on her could light up any of her targets.

The weirdest part is... they're not even throwing those balls...

They're probably trying to immobilize us first, otherwise they might waste their only means of passing... It's too hectic for us to try and defeat any of them either.

Atsuhi grit her teeth.

"We need a way to get out of their sight." And just as quickly, she smirked. "Good thing I know just the trick."

Unfortunately for Atsuhi and her genius plan however, she was currently more or less cornered.

With all the jumping and moving to evade attacks, she hadn't even noticed when she had been driven to the corner of a dead-end alleyway. As things were right now, she could neither run, nor even see how the boys were doing on their end.

There's five- no, six people. They're blocking my only way out, but I can't deal with them one by one... I need a way to get past all of them at once.

She glanced to the side.

Well, there's technically only one person blocking my direct path. I should be able to get past him. The problem is, the moment I shift my attention to him, everyone else is going to jump at me.

In other words, what I need is a distraction.

Though no matter how much she thought, she still couldn't do anything but walk closer and closer to the cold wall behind her, back literally pressing up against it this time around, as the six people around her all looked at each other, proceeding to discuss how they should go about this.

Great, I have a few seconds, if I'm lucky enough they'll even start to- Aaah!

Atsuhi jumped a little, almost gasping out loud, as something brushed against the side of her leg. For a brief second, she thought it might have been somebody's Quirk, only to look down and realize it was just a little bush planted in a tall cement flower bed that just so happened to be right beside her leg.

Sure, this is what scares me now. What a hero I am...


Wait a second.

That... could work?

I've got a new ultimate move to test out, after all...

"It's just her, this isn't even enough for one of us to pass!!" The students surrounding her were still too distracted with their arguing.

"Well, once she's immobilized, maybe we can catch those three boys by surprise too, can't we? They're classmates, they gotta care for each other to some extent!"

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